Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cooper's Video Debut!

Not just a video...but a music video featuring a classic Michael Jackson song!!

My dog is now a YouTube all star. Clicky HERE

Sidenote: Scott is now doing a "comic series" on his blog...check it out, first linky on my sites list to the right!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

ou est le bibliotheque?

The more I watch this, the more I laugh. If you know any French, its simply hilarious. Well it's hilarious anyway but you know.

Voila! Mon Passporte!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Le Countdown a la Anita et Schatz

I like how I think I can make a sentence in proper French. What a joke. Anita's request, I present the countdown to the arrival of NitaBallz and Schatzel.


I am so excited :-)

Many conversations of schellack, stupid people we used to hang out with, and life in general await us.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Cold shower anyone?

Whelp, it was a hot one here today folks. Hit 102...and if anyone has been in DC in the summer, you know what a sweltering swamp it is. So even 80 can be bad...but 102? Holy shit. The minute you walk outside you can feel the heat and humidity hit you like a brick wall. I can say I've felt nothing like it in Ohio, FOR SURE.

Speaking of the good ol' midwest, I'm headed back to Mentor tomorrow for some old fashioned R&R, in a house that is clean and not in the hood. Taking Cooper in the car by myself, which should be a real trip considering he can't sit still for 5 minutes and feels the need to sit in my lap every time we're in the car. Yep...gonna be a very very long drive.

Might not be posting till next week as a result of my trip, and I know you'll all miss me so...but in return, I'll try to get real cute puppy pics this weekend for you all.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Cooper is officially 15 weeks and 20.5 pounds. He's gonna be a big doggy!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007


These may be some of the most disturbing photos I've ever seen...

Clicky HERE

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I like food.

So I'm watching the episode of Top Chef that I recorded last night and I'm thrilled to see that they are doing a Bertolli frozen meal in a bag challenge! I frigging love that stuff. I have like 3 bags of it in my freezer right now. If you've tried the Stouffers and Lean Cuisine meal in a bag things and thought eh this is pretty disgusting (as I have), you have to try the Bertolli stuff. Esp when we both work like 50-60 hours a week and neither of us wants to roast a friggin chicken or something. Damn good shit. Don't look at most of the nutritional info tho.

I'm also thrilled because tomorrow night we are having dinner at Dino up in Cleveland Park, an italian restaurant I have heard SO much about and have been wanting to try for a super long time. Since Scott leaves for his 3 week work trip to Germany on Saturday AND since Dino started Restaurant Week early ($30.07 for 3 courses per person!!), it is the perfect opportunity. Not sure if anyone reads this has ever been there, but if you didn't like it then don't tell me lol.

Back to Top Chef..still not so thrilled by any of the contestants this year. Hung drives me freaking nuts. I like Casey (sometimes), Howie (sometimes), Tre (sometimes, he made some funny comments about chicken) and CJ...kind of.


Lunchtime Posting

I think that my lunchtimes at home with the Coopster are a good time to make blog posts. Mostly because I have so little time to make posts at all. So, that being said, here's my lunchy post:

Ate a bagel with low-fat cream cheese. EH.
Fed Cooper some of the bagel. He liked it more.
Dreading leaving for work again in 15 minutes.
It's really hot out. My arm got burnt from sitting in my car window on the way home from work. I work like 6 miles away. Mind you, in the middle of the day that is 20 minutes of driving. Go figure.

My lip gloss, is poppin.