Friday, November 28, 2008

people can be absolutely disgusting

did you hear about this? people at wal-mart in NY this morning were basically tearing off the doors to get in the store for all the "deals" (OMG! deals!) that they trampled and killed someone and apparently caused another woman to have a miscarriage.

this is literally the most revolting thing i've heard in a long time. to these assholes, i say take your fucking broke ass home. you probably can't afford to buy that $400 tv that you're tearing down the door to get to anyway. its just stuff, people. fucking junk that will be rendered useless in a few years when a newer and better model comes out anyway and then you've just got more shit sitting around your trailer that you have no space for. how does your holiday season feel now that you killed someone to get a deal? not so merry now, is it?

yeah, well you deserve to feel like shit. and hopefully you do.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The absolute, lamest, worst, there are no adjectives to describe the disgust i have for this show....

Dancing with the Stars.

1. Why is it on?
2. If you watch it, why?
3. Even more so, why do you and 30 million other American households watch it? Like, all ya'll collectively as a group with bad taste?
4. I threw up in my mouth a little watching...whoever these 2 people to Funky Town. Looks like big football man. Dancing to fucking FUNKY TOWN.
5. I asked Scott (well more stated aggressively), "People WATCH this?"
6. He said, rather drunkenly, "This is like, the number one show."
7. I know that. That wasn't the answer I was looking for.
8. Oh, the judges. Oh my god. I thought I couldn't stomach American Idol. This is vitriolic. Is that word a proper descriptor for my feelings? I'm not really sure, it just came out. I also really like the word vapid, but I felt it wasn't as appropriate.
9. Fuck it, its vapidly vitriolic.
10. Now, if you wanna talk about some good tv, let's talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta. Because now THAT, that is some shit I can get into. It is the opposite of being vapidly vitriolic, in my highly educated opinion.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

my mundane existence (e or a? man i can't spell for SHIT anymore)

Yeah so, Scott is still out of town, I'm still going stir crazy and not getting enough sleep. But lately, I have had all this like, um what do you call initiative? desire to like do stuff? I think its a result of the all-natural thyroid supplements I've been taking for about 3 weeks now. Either way, I'm like a nut lately. I've been jogging with Mr. Coops twice daily and I voluntarily raked leaves yesterday. Even though I raked like friggin hardcore for an hour, the yard still looks like a shite pile. We'll just let Scott fix that on Saturday. Me, generous you say? I know. Please, hold your applause.

Anyhoo, so I get up this morning after jogging twice (I keep wanting to say thrice because it is a way cooler word, but alas I did not jog in one day. Hheheheh. Good shit.) and going on the aforementioned maniacal burst of raking and my body was like, "fuck you". I mean my back, my neck - basically my upper body was just friggin killing me. I went out and jogged this morning and felt a little better, but by time I got to work and parked my ass in a non-ergonomically correct chair for a couple of hours, I felt like a 70 year old lady with osteoporosis. 

Now, to me, the moral of the story is - don't do yard work, because it's hazardous to your health. I bet Scott will see it differently because we all know my ass is out there Saturday raking and bagging and raking and bagging and swearing and whatever. Next residence will be a condo with no yard to speak of. Mark my words. Fuck this "house with a nice fenced in yard and lots of trees" bullshit. Overrated. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My hypoallergenic dog has allergies

Oh, the irony. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

bitch slap me, i forgot to blog

Well ok, I didn't forget that much, just a little bit, moreso I was busy and didn't have much to blog about. And since I try not to make this a political blog since there are thousands out there that can do it better than I can, there just hasn't been much else to talk about other than damn politics! But, I will say I'm excited, I'm sooo soooooo excited at the prospect of actually going to DC to see a Presidential Inauguration, I'm determined to figure out how to get tickets to an Inaugural Ball, and quite honestly, I'm actually interested in politics again. After the 2004 election, I gave up, stopped caring, and got quite disillusioned. I think this has pulled me out of my funk.

Erm, what else. So Scott is leaving me for Vegas next week for a conference and that means I'll have to be home alone, which also means that I'll be dead tired all week from being so damned paranoid about being alone in the house that I won't be able to sleep. Happens every time I'm home alone overnight. Call me a pussy, whatever, fuck you. Have the random Tuesday holiday off work, which will be nice, I feel like I should come up with something neato to do but I'll probably sit on my ass all day with a super big gulp Diet Coke and the Food Network, trying to learn how to make shit that will never come out as good as how it does on TV. Oh well, I give myself a B- for effort at least.

So...hmm. What else can I talk about...ohh yes. Major tasks for this weekend - removing summer clothes from closet, finding all of my sweaters, doing 30 loads of laundry, sweeping up all of the leaves in our house (thank you Mr. Coops, velcro fur extraordinaire), and trying to get out of helping Scott do leaf removal from the yard. Its so bad you can't even see that we have a lawn - its ALL leaves. Oh sweet jebus. Also looking forward to some wine tasting on Saturday with the ladies, and then probably heavy drinking after the wine tasting because why not, there are bars nearby. And if you see a bar, the only logical thing to do is go in it and drink some damn beer.