Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Heh. Heh.

Phone rings.
Scott: "Hello?"
Still silence.
Scott: "You fuckin hang up on me you fuckin slut!?!"
Mel: "Who the fuck was that?"
Mel: "Hey! What the fuck!"
Scott: "What a fuckin scam this is! These fucking people call every day! Its some card member services, I hit 1 like they said, and I said 'please take me off this list', and they hung up. If they call me again, I swear to god..."
Mel: "Want to go to Chili's?"
Scott: "Yeah."

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Have returned from ye olde Mentor, Ohio with more stuff than i came with. I'm probably heavier, definitely more tired, and in need of a few days without alcohol. I have also found that more than 5 days back at my parents house is just tooooooo much. Just wayy too much. Scott found the same thing. Good that we've learned our limits there.

Hm. So I'm pretty excited because tomorrow I will be trying out my new Cuisinart ice cream maker (thanks mom Merker) to make some vanilla frozen yogurt (yum!). I will also be attempting roasted butternut squash soup, homemade guacamole, and Marcella Hazan's famous butter and onion tomato sauce. Muy exciting week for me. I will plan on taking some photos of my food adventures and posting!

Yay! Again, nothing funny at all from me to report. Eh. Maybe the end of the year is where I've just lost all my humor and it won't start back up again till Jan 1. Yeah, that's it! The infamous end-of-the-year-loss of humor. Ahem. Whatev.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A 2 Year Anniversary

AHhahahahh no, not for Scott and I (as that would be like ummm 6 years) but its been 2 years as of December 17 that I moved to DC. Hard to believe its been that long, actually. So, of course I turn all introspective and start wondering if where I am now is where I expected to be after 2 years...and realize that I had no idea what to expect when I moved. I mean, I literally graduated and the next morning packed up my shit and left, moved to a house that Scott and I found on Craigslist. So I figure hey, I can't be hard on myself since when I came here I had no job and was like wtf am I doing with my life.

La de da, here we are 2 years later. I am professionally doing more than I probably could have expected. I work really hard, I kick ass at my job, I'm well respected (especially for a female my age where I work), and I make good money. Now, on the personal front, I'm not sure if I'm as far along as I am professionally, but I guess I can't do it all at the same time. Now, I'm getting the itch to do something different. Do we move? Do I switch jobs? I really can't stay stagnant...I learned this back in College when I used to kill myself doing 10 million activities, a double major, and partying full time. I just can't be a lump on a log. The fact that I've been pretty much in the same place, and nearly the same job for 2 years says a lot. I've totally got the itch...I just don't know how to scratch it yet.

Uh this blog is supposed to be funny.

Ya know, I just don't have anything amusing to talk about. So happy friggin holidays!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Quickie

Busy. Here's what the faux is up:

- Interviewing for a job on Thursday
- Not all that interested in job, but if I can get more $$, then I'll entertain it
- Xmas is coming, I haven't written out any cards yet, I don't have anyone's addresses, nor do I have any stamps
- Did you know they have a Mary Poppins broadway musical? I'm watching the movie on TV right now and they just advertised the musical. Super neat.
- Looking forward to my end of the year raise
- Looking forward to taking half the day off tomorrow to go drinking with the co-workers
- Hoping Volkswagen comes to their senses about my LEMON VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN and strikes a deal with me before I start talking about it on every VW forum and blog I can find
- Chevy Cobalt rental is kinda junky, but ranks much higher than the death trap Hyundai Accent and near-death trap Chevy Aveo
- Did you know they still make cars without automatic windows? They do. Cause I got one parked in my driveway.
- Obsessed with the fireplace
- Hoping the weather will be decent for the drive back to Ohio next week
- Sadness at not spending XMas Eve at the VanEpps household, but curious about perhaps spending it at Winking Lizard with mom and dad and whoever else wants to join!
- thisclose to booking Vegas trip with the girls for Jan 30 - Feb 1! YESSSSS!
- Looking much forward to San Diego work trip in February.
- Any suggestions for March? Thought perhaps I'd try to go somewhere every month until I got poor, bored, or sick of it
- I can't find a dog sweater that fits Mr. Coops...have purchased and returned 3, the one today will be the 4th
- BJ's wholesale club is the devil, as we have a freezer full of cheese sticks, bagel bites, and mac and cheese (theme : we like cheese)
- "please mary poppins, please!" (ok, the movie does not beat Bedknobs and Broomsticks but its pretty awesome...has anyone ever seen that on DVD by the way?)
- I bought an ornament at Disney when I was there 2 weeks ago. I put it on the tree on Sunday, seconds later it fell off and shattered. F-U Disney and your P.O.S. $12 ornament.
- On the other hand, my White House Historical Society collectors ornament is still there, and not broken
- If I could eat Thai food every day, I probably would

Eh. I should probably just delete this post because it REALLY REALLY SUCKS. But, suffer through it, and then realize that I feel bad for what you just endured. All 3 of ya.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Disney

Yeah, I had to go to Orlando for work for 3 days and, lo and behold, I was staying at a Disney resort because that's where the conference was that I had to attend. I found Disney to be a kind of odd place when you are there with no children...and alone. First, in the Orlando airport there were kids just going nuts, running like maniacs all over, which drove me freaking bonkers. Like, bonkers.

So after a lot of eye rolling and death stares, I took the free "Disney Magical Express" shuttle to my hotel, where I swear the bus was just playing "its a small world" in a repeating loop, I don't know I just kinda zoned out. So Conference, yeah whatever, not important. But when I had free time, I just started hopping on all the random buses, because there was no way in hell I was going to buy a ticket to get in one of the parks (which, mind you is $75 goddamned dollars for a 1 day ticket). I just people watched outside, took the monorail to some of the hotels, shopped a bit, stopped for a few drinks, ya know there was not much else to do. They do have like, malls and normal things in Orlando, but Disney does not want you to go there. Because the money you spend there is not going toward anything Disney. Thus, its like, literally impossible unless you have a car, or want to pay enough for a cab to take you somewhere.

Oh ya, why do people bring babies to Disney? Like they give a shit. There were a number of couples there that had no other children but a little baby. Stupid ass waste of money.

Oh, and every single restaurant is either a chain, or some overpriced crap, or a chain that is worse than most other locations of the chain and more expensive to boot. I couldn't find anything to eat at that was tasty and non-chain. In 3 days I had a horrible appetizer at House of Blues, a salty ass overpriced appetizer at ESPN Zone, then I got excited to find a Todd English restaurant called bluezoo, where I ordered a nice flatbread and ended up getting a salt lick. I decided that it was best to just consume alcohol from there on out, which is how I ended up getting the worst hangover, literally, in my entire life. It made for one nasty, unpleasant flight home. Let's just say that Thursday night's dinner was the first actual food I had eaten since Tuesday at bluezoo.

That's really it. Redeeming quality was sun and 60+ degree temperatures (though I am still damned bitter that there was unseasonably cold weather the 3 days I just happened to be there). I dunno, I did enough Disney as a kid, I think its time to do adult trips. Yeah drinking and gambling w00t!