Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I am officially Peter from Office Space

Why, you ask? Well because I'm working from home...well, "working" I guess. Basically this constitutes me shopping the Banana Republic sale website, looking for some jobs, renewing prescriptions online, and trying to fit in some work into my busy schedule. Now THIS is my idea of a work day! Maybe I can work on my Mad Libs Blog contest I've been talking about. I think my commenter "William Cole" is getting antsy for it.

Ok, now on a sidenote, I found this (check link below) to be very disturbing. I enjoy a good Taco Bell outing every now and then (such as, after I've had about 12 beers), but I think I'm just a bit less inclined to eat it now. Kind of like how after I saw "Super Size Me" I didn't eat McDonalds for about 6 months.


Monday, February 26, 2007

I promise, I will stop complaining. After this post.

I cried at work today. Not something I like to admit but I did (yeah I know it’s not even noon yet), and I don’t like that I did. I’m actually really sick of blogging about how much I can’t stand my job because I know you are all sick of reading about it and it makes ME sick that I keep complaining. That doesn’t even make any sense. Today is my 33rd day of work and I swear I have never hated doing anything as much in my life as this job. I would rather be sitting in Steve Cady’s class (and if you know who I’m talking about you know what that means). So instead of spouting more and more complaints, I thought maybe I could at least help you all out and develop:

The top 10 list of signs that you desperately need a new job:

1.You are in a perfectly fine mood before you get to work. Then, you sit at your desk, open your laptop, and turn into a completely different person. A person you don’t like and wouldn’t want to be friends with.
2.You start looking at the clock within the first 30 minutes of your arrival. You aren’t counting down the time until lunch; you’re counting down the time until you leave at the end of the day.
3.You start thinking of ways to hurt yourself bad enough to miss work but not bad enough to REALLY hurt yourself.
4.You cry at work, secretly in the bathroom.
5.You start calculating how long you could possibly be unemployed for before your money situation becomes dire. By dire, I mean going without food. All food.
6.You start thinking about that one Friday you are taking off ______ weeks down the road and are already looking forward to it.
7.You haven’t produced anything of value lately in your opinion…maybe you never have.
8.You leave at the end of the day wondering what the hell it is you’ve been doing since you arrived that day. You have no clue. You also decide you don’t care, because you’re not at work right now.
9.You want to get drunk, like all the time.
10.Things that sound more fun than your job include, but are not limited to: working out, going to the library, shoveling snow, walking a dog, cleaning a bathroom, doing your taxes, putting together IKEA furniture, and working at a hot dog factory.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


2 hours after the first picture was taken. Now to midwesterners this is nothing...however, out here, it's pretty much "shut down everything" time. Crazy!

Random Pix


It is snowing like CRAZY here right now...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

No complaints. WHAT?%?@?$@?

So I've had a pretty great Saturday so far (mind you, it is not over, so there is still time for it to start sucking). First, I headed to a dry cleaner down the street called "Clean Smart" that I pass all the time. I haul in 5 pairs of pants and 2 dress shirts for a grand total of...wait for it...drumroll please...$10.73! I mean, I was literally shocked. I asked her to repeat the total because I didn't believe it and yep, it really was $10.73. Then I figure, yeah it'll probably take a full week to get all this shit back. I look at the receipts and...nope! Pickup on Monday after 5. I frickin love Clean Smart.

Next, I head over to Target, pretty much thinking I'm the shit. I then proceed to save over $12 with all the coupons I've been clipping every week. Amazing, I know. Now you understand why my Saturday is going so fricking well!

As for tonight, we are off to Hops Brewery and then to the movies to see Breach, which seems to be getting some kick ass reviews. If you've never heard of the story about former spy Robert Hanssen (whom the movie is based on) then I suggest you go do a little research. It's a fascinating story, and I'm pretty excited to see the movie.

Hellz yeah for Saturday, Feb 24!

Friday, February 23, 2007

TGI-Fizzle muh Dizzle

So TGIF it is, here I sit at my client site at approximately 4:26 in the afternoon in my ripped pantyhose (I’m sorry, can anyone get pantyhose to go a full day without getting ONE SNAG? Christ!), still feeling the effects of that spicy ass Thai food I had at lunch. Word to the wise—don’t eat those little peppers with all the seeds in it that’s in your food. It’s kinda like how that nasty sprig of parsley you always get on a plate is a garnish. Just don’t eat it. Look at it, appreciate it. But please don’t eat it.

At any rate, nothing fun to report, no big plans for the weekend. Speaking of lame, did anyone see the finale of the OC last night? MAN there are some really obvious reasons as to why that show is off the air for good. I love how they used that one hour to cram as much nonsensical shit in as they possibly could before their meal ticket was lost forever. To me, it seemed like a bad nighttime soap. And I don’t mean good bad like Melrose Place I mean bad bad. Bad like the OC.

End of OC rant.

Since I haven’t been making “fun” posts lately, I thought I’d leave you all with something fun for the weekend. Here are some fun/f-ed up stories that will make you say, “shit, I’m pretty normal! Well, at least more normal than the guy who stuck the ____ in the _____ and then _______!” Oh man, I am SO going to do a Mad Libs post! YES! I am so smart! Saturday project!

Ok enough self-praise, on to the fun links:
Actually I’m not going to post any links I’m busy figuring out how I’m going to do the Mad Libs blog. OHHH ITS GONNA BE GOOD! STAY TUNED! (see, my shitty IT job has stirred this need for creativity deep within me…)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Great Caveat...

I've now learned that before you accept a job, you should ask a TON of questions. And I don't just mean the typical elephant-ton, I mean a SHIT TON. Then you won't get yourself into the predicament of "well ass crap I didn't know my job/company/responsibilities were going to be like THIS!" because you would have already known that before you started. I know…I'm very smart. So anyhow, this morning I typed out a long list of questions to send over to the State Department in regards to the job they offered me. Whelp, it was certainly a shocker when I got the answers back. The interesting tidbits:

-I can't start the job till I get either an Interim Top Secret Clearance or Top Secret Clearance. The Interim supposedly takes "3-4 months", however, having one does not guarantee you a full TS Clearance. Thus, I could quit this job, go work at State, la de da de, then find out my full TS does not get approved…whoops, this lady would be out of a job. So you ask, "Hey dumbass, why don't you wait for a full TS?" Then I answer you, "Because, douchebag, it takes on average NINE MONTHS, more likely twelve".

-I can send in all of the proof of current salary I want—there is NO guarantee they will match me. Now you ask, "Well, maybe they'll offer you even MORE than you make now!!" And I say, "You are an idiot. This is the government we are talking about."

And honestly there were about 5 other things I don't even have the energy to type out right now. SO basically I don't know if I can take this offer. What, am I supposed to suffer in this job for 9-12 months and then go work at State making (probably) less than what I do now? Excellent idea.

Looks like I am back to square one! Man I need a glass of wine.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Counting Down to Friday...

I came home from work last night feeling drained. Part of it was that I had been drinking the night before and didn’t sleep enough—but most of it was because of my job and my commuting. Actually the commuting wouldn’t bother me as much if I liked my job. I shouldn’t be this unhappy after being at a job for 5 weeks, should I? Probably not is what I’m thinking. I had a slightly amusing meeting with my boss yesterday that went something like this.

Boss: “So, how are things going with the test cases?”
Me: “Well, not bad I suppose…”
Boss: “I can tell that you really aren’t enjoying what you’re doing.”
Me: “Um…yes, that is true. I’m certainly trying, but my brain isn’t trained for this and really doesn’t work in an IT capacity. It’s very frustrating for me.”
Boss: “I was getting that vibe from you. You do know that as soon as your clearance comes through you’ll be moving into the position you were originally intended for…do you think you are still interested in that?”
Me, lying through my teeth: “I think so. Yeah, I think it will be better.”

Very productive. It did kind of hit me that the job I’m supposed to be doing really wont’ be any better than the one I’m currently in. I don’t like MS Project, I don’t want to work with it every day, and honestly, I have about zero interest in project management in general—which is what this job pretty much is. I don’t want to come home unhappy and bitchy anymore. It’s not fair to poor Scotty :-(, who, btw, made me dinner last night, it was very cute :-).

Which brings me to the preliminary good news I received this morning—A TENTATIVE JOB OFFER FROM THE STATE DEPARTMENT! I’m excited, but in a reserved way. I still have to negotiate a salary and figure out the details of starting out as a contractor and then moving into a regular civil service position. Actually I have a number of things to negotiate.

BUT…THERE’S HOPE! Keep your fingers crossed that everything works out in my favor. Till then…expect moodyness.

On a final note, good luck to Damien on the job interview in NY!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday night with OU alums = drinks and more drinks

Yesterday I had a very fun dinner at Paparazzi in Georgetown with some old OU friends…and as us OU alums do it, of course I ended up drinking too much on a Monday night and didn’t arrive home until midnight. Katherine and Angelica unfortunately could not join the after-dinner drinking fest, and so Kristen, Rachel, and myself ended up at Rhino Bar hanging out with a British and a Scottish guy (I think they were lying and were both British), one who claimed his name was Cuthbert (even though he confessed his name was Ryan we kept calling him Cuthbert anyway), and the other’s who I can’t remember. After too many beers, a really random drinking game (um it was more like whoever loses buys a round of shots) and a Sambuca shot spilled all over my ass, I gave this Monday night my stamp of approval. We plan to all convene again next Friday night at Lauriol Plaza, home of some of the strongest frigging margaritas I’ve ever had in my life. MMMboy! I love how I talk about these places like you all know what the hell they are. Ah well. If someone comes to visit me sometime (ahem…), we can go there and then you’ll be in the know. Sweet, ain’t it.

In other news, I finally bit the bullet and purchased an elliptical. It’s somewhere in the tangled web of shipping trying to make its way to my house. I have to say I’m quite excited about it; I’ve wanted an elliptical for a really long time. Plus, I’m getting pretty fat. Also exciting, I got tickets to the Georgetown-UConn basketball showdown on March 3! Our seats are like pretty much up in the clouds, but I think it’s going to be a damn good time.

Oh, and my secret spy alter ego name is Erin Farrington. Thank you to Damien for helping me discover that yesterday…at work…I am officially Peter from Office Space.

Happy Fat Tuesday! Get wasted and wear some beads! And eat like stuff and get fat.

Oh, and the Internet is a series of tubes.

The end.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

And we joust!

Had a really great time at Medieval Times on Saturday night--we got to cheer for the Red-Yellow knight (oddly enough the same knight we had when we went 3 years ago) and...HE WON! Yes folks, our trusted knight kicked ass at the jousting and swordfighting and whatever the hell else it was they did. Unfortch, I didn't get many good photos because of the lighting in there, but here are a few.

Had a few beers before we came in...this is why I enjoy the plaster knight so much.
This right here is $21 worth of beer and souvenir glass:
Our knight, who was a PIIIMP
Your very own suit of armor w/lance, a BARGAIN at $5,000!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's just like a mini mall, hey hey!

You HAVE to watch this. The first time I did I was literally crying from laughing so hard. CRYING.

Day after February 14 hangover

Whelp, the title says it all--I'm hungover. Very, very hungover. Not only can I not hold alcohol like I used to, I now get brutal hangovers to go along with it. Dammit for the age of 24. So Valentine's day was a lot of fun--started with happy hour, which turned into "hey lets keep on drinking" at the restaurant 100 King with a bottle of wine and an amazing dessert, which then turned into "hey let's stop at this bar and have one last drink" which turned into 2. The night ended with me falling on our yard (yes, because it's literally a frozen sheet of ice) and Scott dragging me around on it as I laughed like a crazy person at midnight and prolly waking the neighbors. All in all, excellent Valentine's day. Oh, and my present--tickets to Medieval Times for Saturday night!!!! Oh yes folks, I will be getting drunk, eating with my hands, and watching men joust on ponies at 7pm on Saturaday evening. There will definetely be some pictures posted from that trip so start getting excited for those now!

Sigh...I must say that I'm suffering today for my actions of last night. Also, I must say that my hatred for the Metro has increased after this morning on the blue line we were all kicked off the metro at the Arlington Cemetary station (which is a very windy outdoor station) for who knows what reason. Then, a couple hundred angry people got to stand out in the cold for a solid 10 minutes until another train came along. We all get on...start creeping along slowly...then stop inside a tunnel for another solid 10 minutes, maybe more. I finally got to the Rosslyn station way later than I should have...and I didn't get my morning Starbucks. F-that.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy February 14!

Ah yes, Valentine's day. Really don't feel like ranting or writing about it, just hope you all have a nice one! :-) Hopefully a sexy one. RAWWRR. OK, I'm just going to stop there.

Moving on.

Working from home today, my office was closed due to our "treacherous weather". Hey whatever caused it, anytime I can sit at home and work in my sweatpants while watching the Food Network is pretty fantastic.

On the subject of the F.N., can I just express my dislike for Sandra Lee? I mean every time I watch her I almost get...angry, almost. It's not even the crap she cooks (most of which really looks like crap), I think it's her personality and the way she acts. Though, I guess I have to give her a point for managing to include some type of strong alcoholic beverage into every meal.

In other news, it looks like Al Franken has entered the Minnesota Senate race. Very interesting move. I do like Al Franken, I don't think he gets enough credit as the man is pretty intelligent (just read his books), though his comedy usually trumps that. Hey, anything that can inject some energy and life in general into our political process to me is a good thing.

Oh yeah, and what about Mitt Romney? Can I ask, what the hell kind of name is MITT? Short for Mitten? Mitteroogle? Mitterdoodlydo? Sorry, I'm writing him off simply based on his name. I don't even know what issues he stands for. Doesn't matter. A Mitt can't be President. Not if I have anything to say about it!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Extra large omlette, please!

This is pretty HI-LARIOUS! Thank you, and random truck driver on beltway for a Tuesday morning laugh.

Truck spills 165,000 eggs on highway
Driver flees after truck wreck spills 165,000 eggs on Virginia highway
The Associated Press
Updated: 5:59 a.m. ET Feb 12, 2007

WASHINGTON - Drivers on their way to breakfast in Northern Virginia on Saturday found it all over the road after nearly 165,000 eggs spilled out of an overturned tractor-trailer on the Capital Beltway.

"It looked like a large omelet," said Michael Karbonski, of the Virginia Department of Transportation.

The tractor-trailer crashed into a guardrail just after midnight Saturday, spilling its runny load and forcing officials to close an exit ramp to Interstate 66 and the far left lane of Interstate 495 north for several hours. Everything reopened just after 11 a.m.

The truck driver fled the scene before police arrived and had not been located by Saturday afternoon, said state police spokesman Sgt. Terry Licklider. He said the driver would likely face charges for fleeing and possibly other offenses.

"For him to just up and leave like that, that's kinda odd," Licklider said.

The truck and trailer are owned by H.L.W. Inc. in Moorefield, W.Va., Licklider said. The owner of the company, H.L. Wilson, told The Associated Press he hadn't heard from the driver either.

"Don't know where he's at," Wilson said. "Don't know what the deal is."

Fairfax County police used a helicopter to search for the missing driver.

VDOT spokeswoman Joan Morris said the eggs made their way to a drainage ditch, where they created "a river of yellow yolk."'

It's a good thing it wasn't summer, officials said, because the mess could have been worse. But cold temperatures prevented workers from using any water to clean the road for fear of freezing the eggs and the roadway.

Instead, the cleaning crew used kitty litter — 250 pounds of it — to absorb the highway omelet then swept it up and took it away in three trash bins, Morris said.

Wilson, 60, said the eggs were destined for a hatchery in Salisbury, Md., where they would have become chickens to be eaten at fast food restaurants.

© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Shit-tay weather, non-shit-tay news

Well folks, I may be getting a job offer from the State Department.

More details to follow...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Shocking, I know...

Well, the person who I was supposed to interview with decided not to show up on time--therefore, I never had an interview. I can't count how many interviewers have canceled on me or blew me off...I know a lot of you have had the same problem. Honestly, I would never, ever do that as a recruiter. I never did it when I was a recruiter. It's disrespectful.

On another note, I actually had a fun day at work today. I wrote about 15 test cases for testing our different reports and customizations for our client's MSPS migration. OK so that wasn't really all that fun, but it wasn't bad, and I had a good time getting slap happy with the 2 other people I was cooped up in a small room with all day. When your day ends with playing "80's name that tune" and singing Michael Jackson songs and planning a happy hour, it hasn't been a bad day at work.

In other news, looks like we got a bad storm coming our way (bad storm is a relative term here). I'm curious to see just how bad it'll get, and if I'll get stuck working from home as the city shuts down when people crap their pants. Um, look at the people in upstate NY. They're literally buried. An inch or 2 or 3 doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

That's what I thought until I experienced driving with that inch or 2. Hilarious and dangerous at the same time.

I have no idea where this post is going. Hahhahah today the man at the dry cleaner called Scott my husband. I laughed. I came home. I made pierogies. I'm currently drinking some wine and watching Supernanny.

Just a normal Monday in the D.C., folks.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Whole Foods? Wholy $$$!

Well, I was planning on taking photos of the sweet stuff I was planning on doing this weekend to make a post, and it just so turns out that I didn't do anything OVERLY sweet, nor did I remember to bring the camera anywhere. Oops. But, I did finally venture today to Whole Foods, the grocery store for the rich and trendy. Here's what I purchased for a total of $32.02 with tax:

1 bottle of Pinot Grigio
1 box of organic risotto mix
1 small block of NY cheddar cheese
1 bag of romaine lettuce mix
1 package of garlic & vegetable organic frozen ravioli
4 pink organic apples
1 bunch of pussywillow stem things (insert laugh and dirty thought) to go in the tall oddly green colored vase I have
1 slice of pizza from the prepared foods area

Pricey, no? But, I can honestly say that Whole Foods had the most amazing selection of flowers, plants, fruits, and overall produce that I've ever seen in a grocery store. The seafood counter looked awesome, and even the meat counter selection looked great. I really wish I could afford to buy all or mostly organic foods, but after that trip I know I can't do a big grocery trip there--but I'll definetly stop in for fresh seafood and even produce when everything looks like shit at the other grocery stores (which, it typically does).

Other than that, good weekend! Had some fun, relaxed, cleaned (ok a very small amount).

Job interview in the morning. Keeping those options open. Wish me luck!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Positive Thoughts?

Since OUKater told me that my blog isn’t very “happy”, I thought I would make an effort to post something happy (ok or at least not wholly negative) every time I post something negative. Well, here goes…

There’s a Tiffany & Co. right across the street from my client site. Now, it doesn’t get more positive than THAT!

OK, but now that I did that I have to counterbalance it with something negative...

Got an email today from the client which states, (and I am not kidding, this is verbatim): “Note I am usually in by 6:30 am, and for some reason meetings are never scheduled at that time…”

Are you kidding me?

Only in D.C. folks.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Starbucks etiquette?

Even though my morning on the Metro started with some kind of odd security issue that closed the train I was on and required me to run to another, I still got to Georgetown early. Shocking, I know. So I stop at Starbucks and look forward to enjoying my morning green tea with the Washington Post. I sit down in the back at one of the small round tables with 2 chairs. I have my newspaper open, stuff on the table, I’m having a decent morning. Then, some dude decides that it is perfectly OK to sit down in the other chair at my table. He does not say, “may I sit here” or “is this seat taken?”. Nope, he just sits his ass on down and proceeds to eat 2 doughnuts. The last thing I want to start my morning with is an argument with a stranger in Starbucks, but let me ask you this—is this now a socially acceptable practice? Since when is it kosher to sit down at a person’s table without even asking them if it is ok?

Do I not understand Starbucks etiquette, or are people just really really rude around here (ok I knew they were rude but come on…)

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Anger, Part 1

Typical Wednesday morning. Well, I guess I won't say typical since there was approximately 1 inch of snow on the ground (which in DC means that the apocolypse is imminent). My commute from Alexandria to Georgetown: 1 hour, 45 minutes. Thank you, public transportation.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Diversity and Groceries?

Grew up in Mentor, Ohio. Went to college in Athens, Ohio. Went to graduate school in Bowling Green, Ohio. What’s the connection here? (Cue the Jeopardy music…)

Thank you, Captain Obvious; I know that all of those places are in Ohio. What I’m referring to is the fact that I’ve been living in pretty un-diverse (non-diverse?) atmospheres for my entire life. Well, up until now that is. I’m now shocked when I can go anywhere or buy anything where the person I’m speaking to has a decipherable accent. The man at the gas station who could not comprehend the concept of CAMEL LIGHTS, on the other hand, did not. I feel like my food is always f-ed up @ restaurants, everything seems to take twice as long, and I’m often frustrated by doing the things that used to be simple, even relaxing activities for me. Take, for example, grocery shopping.

Those of you that know me well know that grocery shopping is one of my favorite, most relaxing things to do. Surely not the most budget-friendly, but I figure it’s better than sitting in a martini bar. OK bad comparison. Anyhoo, I’ve come to find that I have not had one relaxing, enjoyable grocery store experience since I moved here. Here are the reasons why:

1. Prices. I really cannot fathom why groceries are so much more expensive here than they were in Ohio. Does it really cost more to ship a frozen pizza here? Doubt it. And the prices of milk? My god! That cow better be shitting gold if I’m paying these kinds of prices for a gallon of milk that ultimately will go rotten in a couple of weeks when we fail to drink it.

2. Where is Super Wal-Mart?

3. Rudeness. People are just honestly, generally rude. No “excuse me please” or waiting patiently while I grab a few shallots in the produce section before they grab theirs. Nope, just go ahead, cut right in front of me, while I’m quite obviously busy. Yeah while you’re at it take up the whole damn aisle too. I love that.

4. The weekly specials. Ah yes, I love when I get all those Sunday ads and I can see the weekly specials. Which, I will admit, are pretty decent considering. I clip my coupons (which I have now resorted to in attempt to save any fraction of a dollar) and go to the store. What do I find? Every single item on special has been completely cleared out. 10 pizzas for $10? An entire freezer section gone. Frozen breaded chicken tenders on sale? Shelves cleared out. No wonder people are overweight. No wonder people are poor.

5. Carts. Typically, when I go to a store I expect there to be a row of carts so one is available when I arrive. Here, I find more often than not that there are no carts to be found. Nope, they are all scattered out in the parking lot, looking for a car to scrape. When we had the first snow a couple weeks ago, I was beyond thrilled to find that the workers at a certain grocery store are too scared of a few flurries to go out and retrieve any carts from the parking lot. Nope, I had to scrape one off myself, drag it inside through the slush, find something to wipe it off with, and then proceed to get my expensive Coach bag wet. Now that makes for a really excellent stress-free shopping experience.

6. Hello? Super Wal-Mart? Anyone?

Monday, February 5, 2007

Money money money mon-ay…MON—AYYY!

Yeah, I don’t have any.

End of post.

My Monday at work, up to 1:30

8:30 am: Arrive @ work 30 minutes early with my Starbucks Green Tea. Completely numb from the 10 degree weather and mile walk from the Metro. Mystified because a man in a leather jacket passed me on the street and called me baby. IN GEORGETOWN.

8:30-9:30: Chat with boss. Shuffle papers, look busy. Check Gmail. Make phone call to another company hoping they will hire me, get stuck leaving VM. Eat some fruit snack-like things that were really cheap, but discover they are not very tasty.

9:30-10ish: Check Gmail account approximately 5 times. Play solitaire. Win 1 game. Start losing horribly, give up. Realize I have a team meeting but pseudo-boss has failed to show up to work thus far. Team asks me what to do. I laugh and cancel the meeting even though I have no authority to. I laugh more, to myself of course.

10ish-11:00: Decide to start writing this blog post while further confirming the fact that I really really dislike my job. Begin thinking about the tacos I’m making for dinner tonight. I like tacos. Get pissed because I won’t be having tacos till 8 or 8:30 thanks to my commute.

11:00-11:45: Meet with boss and pseudo-boss. I express my confusion about everything I do on a daily basis (i.e, nothing). I also say, in a very nice way, that I’m not sure I’m in the right job or in the right company. Seems to go over well. I think if I quit they will not be shocked. Leave realizing I still have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing.

11:45-12:00: Check Gmail again. No job offers. Damn. Search for those 11 elusive unread emails among the 2500 emails I have so I can mark them as “read”. Can’t believe I’m actually doing this.

12:00-12:30: Eat my lunch consisting of a “yummy” sandwich (Target brand bun and cheese and some turkey from a plastic container) along with chips (Target brand), an apple, & some free water. Ponder why I had more money in grad school than I do now. Play more solitaire. Win another game. Wish I was eating Chipotle. Win another game! Yeah!

12:30-1:30: Attempting to write a technology requirements document. I have no clue what I'm doing. Play more solitiare. Win ANOTHER game! Shit I rock. Pop some Orbit gum.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

My messy home

Everyone has been asking about seeing some pictures of my house, so here are 2...honestly it was a lot messier about 2 hours before I took these so be thankful! (and no you are not crazy, we have become very IKEA friendly)

This is so exciting, isn't it?


Ah yes, loyal friends and readers, my blog has returned from the deep deep depths of hell. SIKE! Basically, Scott deleted it and I’ve been too lazy to start a new one. Well, something inspired me today and now I’m all geared up and ready to be a blogger again. I know, I know. You are probably dreaming about reading another fascinating story regarding the contents of my fridge right at this very moment. So, shed a tear of joy, throw a party, and pop the champagne. My incessant rambling and pointless stories have returned, and all from a new location—Washington, D.C. (insert sound of fireworks, applause), my new home and place of employment. So, you can only imagine how much better my rambling and stories will be now!

Welcome back readers! Enjoy!