Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Weellllll it's been a kinda blah couple of days, I suddenly became sick Monday-ish and quickly became worse...after a trip to the doctor this morning, I discovered that I have a bladder and kidney infection. That would explain the symptoms, for sure. So, I got a nice big dose of Cipro and am hoping this goes away VERY soon.

Other than that...nothing much to report. Weather is holding out (fingers crossed) and Scott told me that this upcoming weekend is the "weekend of Mel", so now I need to figure out something I actually want to do.

Any suggestions? (nothing involving the Mini Cooper, obviously...or any car for that matter).

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weekend in Review: Sun and Motorcades

What a weekend it was! 75+ degrees and sunny all weekend (yep, I'm sunburned)...I'm hoping this weather is here to stay. It makes me like living here so much more :-)

Anyhoo, this weekend was quite fun. Friday night I went out drinking with Linsey and had a fabulous time. Saturday morning I awoke to the sun and warmth, and sat outside and fried my pale ass body in the nice weather. Scott and I then cleaned up and headed to DC to hopefully sit outside and have a burger and beer somewhere. I randomly say, "hey, let's head up to Dupont Circle and see whats up". Oops. As we get closer we get stuck in ridiculous traffic everywhere, and finally are able to escape into a parking garage. I notice we're right next to the Hilton Washington in Dupont. I finally connect the dots and realize the Correspondent's dinner is that evening, and that the President is gonna roll through soon. So THAT'S why we've been hearing helicopters buzzing overhead for the past 30 minutes.

As we walk down the street looking for some eats, we stop in a place called Il Tomate (or something) which, btw, is one of the worst dining experiences we have ever had. But as we sat at the bar drinking a glass of wine, we suddenly notice the traffic all stop and about 15 police motorcycles come whizzing by. Then about 8 cop cars, then the 2 Presidential limos, then about 10 black SUV's with various satellite equipment on top. It was kind of amusing as they were hauling ass down the street to see everyone's windows down (not the Prez's of course) and all the people had tuxedos on and were peering out the window at the regular folk on the street. W00t, my first Presidential motorcade!

So we struggle through our shiteous dinner and, after leaving exactly $0 for a tip, walk down to a bar called Gazuza. I discover it's affiliated with the Chi Cha lounge and I start downing some mojitos and we just relax and chill. After a while, we walk back outside and hear those familiar helicopters again. We sat right across from the Hilton (since we couldn't get our car out anyway) and watched the Prez leave. This time I was close enough to see that he was in the first car, sitting next to the window. So after seeing the gross display of power yet again, we hop in the car and head home.

So, good friends, good drinks, 2 motorcades, and really awesome weather. Not a bad weekend.

OH and the best news--I'm going to see Anita for the weekend of my (dreaded) 25th birthday! AWESOME!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Philly yo what

Here are a few pics from our trip to Philly last weekend. And yes, we did sing the "Fresh Prince" theme song as we drove through the city. Duh.

Scotty in front of Ye Olde Liberty Bell

This pic pretty much explains itself.

Here I am in front of Tony Luke's Cheesesteaks. Tony Luke was on an episode of the Food Network show "Throwdown" where he battled (and WON) against Bobby Flay for Best Cheesesteak. Hence why Scott drove me all over the city looking for it...

THE Philly Cheesesteak that I wolfed down in the car on the way to the hotel from Tony Luke's. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. OK not the best picture but I had to get it before I devoured it and spilled grease on my jeans. So worth it.

Tax dollars wisely spent

I had a cop threaten to give me a jaywalking ticket today. I was literally shocked. Shocked. Even more so when I came home and read that about a mile down the road from where the cop stopped me there was a random double murder (shooting) just a few days ago which goes unsolved.

Why the damn hell is your fat ass threatening non-murdering residents with a jaywalking ticket?!?!??! Here's an idea--LOOK FOR THE CRIMINAL STILL RUNNING AROUND!

I am buying pepper spray tomorrow. And using the crosswalk.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Blah Thursday.

Even "The Office" couldn't get my spirits up.

Work has been wearing me down this week. I think my boss could tell; he told me to go home at 4, and then came back at 4:15 to let me know that he was serious, to go home. So I did. Scott came home to change before heading back out to his work happy hour and he informed me that he's got to go to San Francisco for my 25th birthday. Whelp, that was just the icing on the cake (I think by now everyone knows I've pretty much been dreading my 25th birthday and the thought of spending it alone is insanely depressing). So I made a huge bowl of pasta and sat down for many hours of TV.

None of it is really helping, I'm still physically and mentally exhausted and feeling the need to kind of get away for a weekend. My weekends are constantly packed and I feel like it's not too often for stuff I really want to do. I must just be having a "oh woe is me" day today. So maybe tomorrow or during the weekend when I get over myself, I'll make a post that is actually worth reading.

Monday, April 9, 2007

An interesting epiphany.

After over 4 weeks (I think?) of my new job, I've been to the Pentagon quite a few times. I never felt unsafe going there, but sometimes I just get this thought in the back of my mind like, hey, maybe I should tell Scott I'll be there from 1-4 today (like I was today, and which I did tell him) just in case. After a lengthy meeting I walked down the hall with my PM, who has worked at the Pentagon for quite some time. "Over here", he points out, "is right where the plane hit."

Um, what?

I just kind of look around and say "wow, I can't believe that..." Meanwhile I'm like yeah I'm ready to go back to my cube that is NOT at the Pentagon. So then I come home and start doing a bit of research about that day, and find something that honestly scared me a bit. Go click on this website. Pay no attention to the conspiracy theory crap, that's not my point. See that box, "Wedge 1", that's highlighted and the list of 8 rooms? Well, the room I happened to be in, and the room I will be in at least 3 times a month happens to be block #7 in that diagram.

Back to the Pentagon, same room, on Thursday. I think I'll view it all a little bit differently than I did before.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Happy Birthday

To Scotty!!! :-)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

To do: stalking

Since this is going on only a few miles from my house, you can pretty much guarantee that Scott and I will be engaging in some celebrity stalking this weekend. Hopefully we can get some photos!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

MC Rove!

At first, I was disturbed.

Then, I laughed. A lot.

And then I was like...this is the man that pretty much runs the country.

Then I laughed more.

Check check check it out, MC Rove!

80 and sunny today, snow forecasted for the weekend

I feel like I'm back in Ohio with that kind of weather forecast. WTF? And why am I sitting indoors on my couch blogging right now when its 80 and sunny?

Hold. (cue Jeopardy music)

Here I sit, on my front porch, with my laptop and a glass of wine. That sounds much better.

Moving on. On Friday night I was wasted from the aforementioned pomegranite mojitos (I've never even had a regular Mojito, but I felt the need to drink many $9 pomegranite ones) and from who knows what else I was drinking that night. Linsey--thank god we didn't make that stop at Ben's Chili Bowl or else this lady wouldn't have been at museums the next day. For sure. lol. Anytime anyone comes to visit me, I will take you to the Chi Cha Lounge for the now infamous mojito. Aren't you lucky?!?!

Not much to report. Work is standard. No meetings at the Pentagon this week so I feel markedly less important. Every Microsoft product on my computer is pissing me off (I've got a new one to add to the list--Sharepoint. Die.) That being said, here's my Tuesday list of things I like and don't like. Not like you care what I like and don't like but I do, and since I have nothing else to say I'll just write about that.

I like:

-Archer Farms (Target brand) organic hot garden salsa
-the Barefoot Contessa
-when my pants sort of kinda fit a tiny bit better than they did a month ago
-my elliptical

I don't like:

-when I find ants in my kitchen after I cleaned the SHIT out of it
-the fact that I still can't seem to make a dent in the massive pile of laundry in my house
-the neighbors cats who roam freely through my yard as if its their playground. I say, stay in your fence assholes!
-working past 5pm
-having no money in my savings account

Ok as I sit here I just noticed that my neighbor half-shaved her white cat. For all you cat owners/enthusiasts--is that normal? I mean, the bottom half and legs (cats have legs right?) of the cat are still all furry and the rest of it is like, shaved naked. I so live in the ghetto.

On that note...I'm off to enjoy my wine and weather!