Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Almost hump-day update

Good news: Anita and Kristen are coming to visit me!!! :-)

Bad news: On Saturday, Scotty is leaving me for 16 days for ze Deutchland :-(

Other important things:
I finally went grocery shopping; my fridge and cupboards don't look so sad anymore. I now have fresh fruit AND vegetables! W00t. So what did I cook last night for dinner? Tacos. How frigging healthy. Hey, I used low fat sour cream, ok?

Work is just insane. All of my "fun" memories of me living in MS Excel at Owens Corning are coming back to haunt me these past few days...of course I can't for the life of me remember how to make a decent pivot table so I get to re-learn these fun things all over again. Now that I have a laptop and VPN I can work from home (which, is good AND bad) so I'm going to try to work in a little telecommuting every now and then...esp. when the boss man is out of the office.

Puppy is good. He's getting so big! Back to the vet next week for more shots, and then I think he's out of the woods in terms of getting bad puppy viruses, and we can actually take him for walks and to dog parks and crap. He's been doing this funny thing where he sleeps with his legs up in the air next to our other A/C vent...he's totally hilarious. Well, not when he's biting me or tearing the inside lining of my Banana Republic work skirts, but you know. When he's sitting or sleeping.

Anyone out there watching Big Love? There's like, nothing else on to watch, I dunno I can't figure out how I feel about it now. Loved the first season...kind of on the fence about this one. Since I can't afford BOTH HBO and Showtime, I can't watch Weeds, one of the best shows out there. Pissed about that one. Heard it got leaked on the internet tho...

Anyhoo...I'm just at home right now for lunch for my daily "let the dog out and feed him" routine, so I guess I should go back to the office. Dammit.

Happy almost hump day everyone!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chef du Jour

Since I've effectively stopped grocery shopping (both because of a severe lack of time and funds), I've had to become really creative with the dwindling items left in my fridge/freezer/cupboards. Now, please note--I still buy wine, because...well, wine is really important to one's happiness. So last night I looked through the food...looked again...poked around...and said, pasta! I'm always stocked with pasta, it's too cheap not to keepa around. So not really wanting regular tomato sauce, I threw the following things in a pan and came up with some damn good pasta, if I do say so myself:

Pour yourself a glass of wine. Drink it. Well sip it, don't chug it.
Get out a large pan.
Boil water for pasta in a separate pot. Obviously. When it boils, put in the pasta. This ain't rocket science.
In pan, put:
About 1/4 cup of olive oil (as RR would say, "eyeball it"...I can't believe I just said that)
1/4 of a good sized white onion, chopped
Red pepper flakes...I dunno however much you want, make it SPICYYYYYYY
Couple sprinkles of dried oregano and parsley let's say, 1/2 tsp of each

Sidenote: you can tell my cooking is super exact

Also add about 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic. I really like garlic a lot. if you don't, then don't use that much. dur.

So, you saute all this shit in the pan over medium, even low-medium heat until it starts looking super duper tasty. then, chop up 2 ripe plum tomatoes and put those in the pan. Stir it all around, sing a song, drink more wine. By this time you think you are hot shit. Then, the piece de resistance--throw some damn wine in that pan! I used pinot grigio, I think chardonnay would work just fine too. Don't use that crap that costs $3.50 and you bought just so you could get drunk, use something that actually tastes good. So, I used like, 1/3 cup of wine. Simmer it.

By this time, your pasta is cooking and is close to getting done. So, take it out, put it in the sauce. Stir it all around till it's all nice and coated. Then...and THEN...put in about 2 tablespoons of butter (I used an olive-oil based margarine, I like to think its slightly healthier) and let the pasta simmer in the sauce for a bit. Sprinkle grated parmesan all over the top, and then you have one freaking good meal.

Well, I was proud of myself.

Anyone else come up with a decent recipe while using very few ingredients that are randomly sitting around--you know, the ones that if you don't use within the next 3 days will rot? Those make the best recipes.

I bet none of you will ever eat anything I cook ever again, right?

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Here are the long awaited photos! In case you can't tell, he's already doubled in size since we got him. :-)

Aww my puppy.

He loves laying right by the A/C and his food!

Yah he's rowdy. the Mini Cooper! muahahahhah! Oh the humor.

Philosophy at RFK Stadium

So, yesterday Scott surprised me by making a play date for Cooper last night so we could actually go out and be normal people. He took me to our first Washington Nationals baseball game! Man does that team suck. But, it was fun to just go sit, watch some baseball, see the craphole that is RFK Stadium, and drink some beers. We had a really interesting crowd sitting by us that was pounding beers just as fast as we were (which always makes the evening interesting...) and I learned some very important things from the deep thinking crew sitting next to us, such as:

"Frank Thomas is like the Pauly Shore of baseball!" (i don't even know what the hell that is supposed to mean)


"You could be fat, be a drunk, or smoke rocks, it's all about loving the game, man!"

I know, those are some profound words. So we leave the game, and go pick up the dog. We hear that the dog was just so good, he just sat around and watched tv and acted all cute!! Man, he puts on a good show. We take the little bastard home and there he goes, biting and chewing and being all rowdy. But...he's still my cute puppy.

And, here are pictures to prove that we were there. This lady does not tell a lie.

The huge ass crowd at RFK (LOL)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hot Shit = This lady right here

Good news: got a promotion at work
Good news: get to do performance reviews on all of my team members. muahhahahahhaha.
Bad news: my raise is so miniscule its like, an extra $2 a week.
Bad news: now i feel like i should send my $2 a week to one of those African orphans, or is that $2 a day they needed?

Good news: i haven't been drinking as much alcohol as i used to
Bad news: i gained weight because i stopped exercising so i could play with my dog

News, neither good nor bad: Rachael Ray has man hands

Good news: found a really awesome sale at Ann Taylor Loft
Bad news: spent money

I dunno what the hell I'm talking about.

Puppy pics coming tonight. Must locate USB cable.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Melly Libs #1 WINNER

Victory goes to: NitaBallz! Who came in from behind with a very late entry to sweep the field. Now this is an impressive piece of work, folks. Wax, loincloths, and Britney with an umbrella? Utterly amazing.

Melly Libs a la Nita:

Today, I went to the brazilian wax salon. I saw this crazy person who was wearing a loincloth and wax. The crazy person saw me staring at them and I quickly turned and walked away, but I did it so quickly, that I ran straight into a wax boy and found myself completely covered in hot wax . The crazy person laughed at me and went about their business. So here I am, walking around in the brazilian wax salon covered in wax, and who do I happen to see, but Robin Williams !! Great. Robin Williams walks right up to me and says, “is everything going okay with you today?” With a crazy look in my eye, I say, “Sink the sub. Hide the weasel. Park the porpoise. A bit of the old Humpty Dumpty, Little Jack Horny, the Horizontal Mambo, hmm? The Bone Dancer, Rumpleforeskin, Baloney Bop, a bit of the old Cunning Linguistics? ”, declare the day a complete bust, and go home and pop open a Heineken. As I drink my cold and tasty beverage, I hear a loud noise outside and go to the window to investigate. Suddenly, I see brittany spears with an umbrella, and my face goes completely white...

Hopefully Melly Libs #2 will soon follow!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Currently... is 95 degrees and the UV index is "very high". puppy is getting bigger. a lot bigger. i need to post new pictures of him.
...i'm watching the Barefoot Contessa make french onion soup. i frigging love french onion soup.
...i wish i could afford a nice BMW convertible.
...i still can't believe we celebrated our 4 year anniversary yesterday.
...i think that i am getting so bad at updating my blog, and that people have probably stopped reading it.
...i'm wondering why it is nearly impossible for me to stay awake through an entire movie--whether at home or in a theatre.
...i wonder how many people pronounce the word "coupon" "coo-pon" vs. "cue-pon". I pronounce it "coo-pon" since that's how it is supposed be prounounced.
...i also wonder if there is any good pizza to be had in all of NoVa. I know, there is some decent pizza in DC but I'm talking about like, driving down the street and getting it. would be so great to have some chocolate mousse. damn that barefoot contessa.
...i wish Amber much congratulations on her new jobs!

and finally, my public service announcement of the day... should not use products from China. I know, you are probably thinking yeah come on they can't be so bad, one or two bad seeds just got into the news and people made a big deal. Yep, i thought the same thing. Then i read THIS. Go read those labels.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pinkberry is coming!

Well, not until mid-2008. Bout damn time we get some "frozen yogurt" around here!


Short update

-Round 2 of company (Scott's parents) is now gone. House is quiet.
-Puppy is sleeping right now. Puppy is rowdy and loves to chew on fingers, arms, and ankles.
-I am insanely wiped out. I feel like I have a new baby.
-Getting face time with the big boss man next week. Looking for a promotion and raise.
-Scott got the iphone. I got his blackberry perl. Wow, a phone that works!
-I don't think I have showered for 2 days. Really.
-My tags on my car are expired. Oh well.
-Rent and bills are due. Oh well.
-I want some warm, fresh bread from a bakery.
-I also want an egg mcmuffin.
