Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We didn't start the fire...oh yeah, we did.

Got the fireplace going! Weeeeeee, right now I'm sitting on the couch next to the roaring fire watching some Dirty Sexy Money. What a good way to spend a Wednesday evening. I also am happy to report that my first attempt at making Enchiladas was successful. Geez. What a day.

This Sunday is our "Dog, Wine, and Cheese" party, and if you are a reader of my blog you are invited. I found out that there are children that will be attending the party, which I'm not very happy about considering I don't like children, but oh well. I'm sure all the wine I plan on drinking will help that. I pray its warm enough out for people to be outside...

Oh yes, Scotty bought us a Christmas tree today! It's not real, which will be a hard adjustment for me because I've never had a fake tree, but it comes with lights already on it which will save me a rising blood pressure from getting the lights just right on the tree. Gotta save that for outside. Now I've got the dilemma of what color ornaments to's always something.

This is a stupid post. Really I just felt bad because I slacked again on posting. I'm hoping to actually take photos though of the party and post them, so that should entertain everyone for a while :-)

Wee! Dogs, wine and cheese...we are crazy.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My ego is bigger IKEA couch.

So, today I'm really not into writing like, an actual paragraph of interesting information. That assumes, however, that what I normally write is a paragraph of interesting information which therefore means that I'm pretty egotistical.


Today at work I told a girl on my team, "I am not the decider on that project". She walked away and I realized I just made a Dubya comment. Then, I threw up in my mouth a little.

Speaking of work, isn’t it sad, the jokes that occur at work that are so lame, that no one else outside your office would find funny, but you find completely hilarious? Today, for example, some of us were chatting and bullshitting about a project we're working on when one coworker joked: “Will mitigate risks for food!” Yeah it’s really not funny. But, if you were in my office, you’d be LOLing profusely like we were at that gem. It's also funny when someone tries to make the joke even FUNNIER, but don't realize that they can't and the moment has already passed. Like when someone else said, "Yeah hahahha will trade milestone decisions for food!" Then its like, moment of uncomfortable silence and the obligatory fake laughs, and then someone says, "Anyhow...". Yeah, thats always funny.

Isn't it funny how I never talk about work much anymore on my blog. I'm sure everyone remembers when I had my job in Georgetown where I would literally blog all day and talk about how many games of solitaire I won. Man. I haven't played solitaire since I left that place. I feel like because I work for the government I really shouldn't blog about know me, Model Citizen and all. Since I took the day off tomorrow, maybe I'll check out good ol' solitaire again and see if I've got any mad skillz left. Cause I was really gettin good there for a while. Whoops, there's that big ego again.

Hilarious, cause everyone knows its Scott with the big ego, not me!

(Just checking to see if he's actually reading my blog posts or just ignoring those nifty RSS feeds...)

Statement about his ego tho still stands.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The search has ended...

And I knew I'd come out of it looking like an idiot. The book was in my old nightstand, which I moved into our spare bedroom because we just bought new nightstands for our bedroom. See, I KNEW I put it on a nightstand. Of course I never thought to look in the OTHER BEDROOM, where the OTHER nightstand was...

IDIOT. Anyhow.

Telecommuting today, so of course I'm blogging. Hey, I have my work computer open and email visible, it's all good. I feel like I get more done both work-wise and life-wise when I work from home. Today I've already been to the bank, dry cleaners, and grocery store and its only 10:45am. I've also read and responded to all of my emails from work, and am just waiting for a response on how to proceed on this project I'm doing. Basically, I'm golden. And, I get to hang out with my puppy all day :-) I rock.

My sister and her friend are coming to visit this weekend, and I'm trying to figure out how to entertain them. They are only 19, so I can't take them drinking. Geez, what does that leave? I figured it might be fun to take them to Eastern Market? Hell I dunno. If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them.

So, I've now been sleeping on our new memory foam mattress for about 5 nights. Man, those things are amazing. I sleep like a rock, I don't feel myself tossing and turning. Plus, our bed is huge now so even if one of us is moving around the other one isn't woken up. I haven't even heard Scott saying random shit in his sleep like normal. My chiropractor yesterday said my muscles are much more relaxed in my back. I should try to get a job in one of those memory foam infomercials. I still haven't done the test where you put a glass of wine on the bed and then jump around, mostly because I'd probably fall and knock it off myself of the IKEA bed slats we have would break. Hahha yeah, get a nice bed and then put it on an IKEA frame. We're classy. But, has anyone actually shopped for bed frames? JESUS! We had to get a platform-type bed with slats in it (you don't use a box spring with this bed) and they were all insanely expensive, like more than the mattress itself. Fawk that. IKEA it is.

Cept that place sends my blood pressure through the roof. I did find out they make good chocolate bars there tho. Very tasty. And good $1 hot dogs too. The things you find out when you wait in a checkout line for half an hour...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Me Crazy White Lady

Have you ever had something one minute, and then you put it somewhere, and now you just can't find it? Why, I'm facing this exact dilemma right now! About 3 weeks ago, I ordered some books from A cookbook (which is sitting on my kitchen counter), The Devil in the White City (which I finished reading and is now sitting on my bookshelf), Love in the Time of Cholera (which I started reading last night and is on my nightstand), and The Conscience of a Liberal, which is….? Missing? I distinctly remember taking the book out of the box, admiring the shiny cover, saying gee that looks like an interesting read, and then deciding to read The Devil in the White City first. So, where did I put that book? No frigging clue. I looked practically everywhere in the house I could think of last night and it is just…nowhere. Did it get up and walk away? Did Cooper eat it? Is it wearing Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak? I'm thinking none of the above. Seriously, there is nothing more frustrating than knowing the damn book is right under my nose, somewhere in the house…this is what I get for wanting a bigger house. I thought I was absent minded before...apparently I've entered a whole new realm of crazy lady.