Thursday, September 6, 2007


Things have sucked lately. I work all the time, I barely ever do anything remotely fun, I am poor, the house we found to rent was rented out from under us (thank you shady ass Long & Foster Realty), the construction around here is non-stop, I'm sick, and I need a vacation. Like, more than I've needed a vacation in a really long time.

I'm such a whiner. But honestly stuff does suck.

Guess I'm looking forward to hopefully watching the OU-Virginia Tech Game, guess there's an alumni group going to a bar to watch. I need some fun football watching times. Basically I need to socialize with normal people and drink beer and not talk about my job or my dog or my boring ass life for a day.

So, is anyone interested in meeting up somewhere for a weekend trip? Like, for real? (and no, I don't mean in Ohio or anywhere around here.)


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm i would if it were in ohio! I travel so much during the week traveling on the weekends isnt to appealing!

Anonymous said...

If we have enough money, I want to go back to Vegas next year. Maybe you could join us for part of the trip? Now that would be FUN!

MellyDoodle said...

Sigh...I love the Vegas. we were supposed to go in October, but no longer since we are moving and have about zero dollars. Let me know when you're planning to go!