Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Confederacy of Dunces

Over the past 2 days, I've seen and heard a lot of stupidity. More stupidity than usual. Is it just because I was like, paying more attention than I normally do or did stupidity actually increase? Unsure. I don't have a scientific method for proving one thing or another, nor do I give a shit, because who really cares. People are just dang stupid, no matter what.

So here are 2 prime examples. Maybe I'm overreacting, but you tell me.

1. I'm walking down in the Crystal City tunnels and this blond chick breathlessly walks up to me and asks, "can you get to like, addresses from down here?" I stared blankly for like, a solid 10 seconds, and all I could muster was "uhh...heh? whadda ya mean?" Because honestly, what the fuck kind of question is that. I think she said something else, but all I said was yes and ran away scared because WHAT THE FUCK.

2. Was wandering around the mall today with the purpose of buying sunglasses. Found some relatively fast and so I was just wandering from store to store. I walked in the Limited, realized that yes, that place still really sucks, and so I turned around to walk out. Salesgirl chick standing at the door says, "Oh, so you didn't find anything you liked today?" Now, why would you ask that question? Am I supposed to run over to her and be like, "OMG thank you for asking, can you please help me find something half decent in your store of SHIT ASS cheap clothing that looks like SHIT ASS?" Like, I just don't understand what kind of reaction they were expecting out of me. So, I just said "NOPE!" and walked out. I'm not at the mall to THINK. Dumb biotch ruined it for me. I still don't get it. What was I supposed to do / say? Help me smart people!!!

Ok, so maybe just because I've been under a great deal of stress and I drank too much this weekend to compensate and now I feel like crap and even going running didn't help enough, maybe its all some kind of "mel bein a crazy bitch" thing.

I don't think it is.

Someone tell me that people are stupid. Make me feel OK about myself.