Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The search has ended...

And I knew I'd come out of it looking like an idiot. The book was in my old nightstand, which I moved into our spare bedroom because we just bought new nightstands for our bedroom. See, I KNEW I put it on a nightstand. Of course I never thought to look in the OTHER BEDROOM, where the OTHER nightstand was...

IDIOT. Anyhow.

Telecommuting today, so of course I'm blogging. Hey, I have my work computer open and email visible, it's all good. I feel like I get more done both work-wise and life-wise when I work from home. Today I've already been to the bank, dry cleaners, and grocery store and its only 10:45am. I've also read and responded to all of my emails from work, and am just waiting for a response on how to proceed on this project I'm doing. Basically, I'm golden. And, I get to hang out with my puppy all day :-) I rock.

My sister and her friend are coming to visit this weekend, and I'm trying to figure out how to entertain them. They are only 19, so I can't take them drinking. Geez, what does that leave? I figured it might be fun to take them to Eastern Market? Hell I dunno. If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them.

So, I've now been sleeping on our new memory foam mattress for about 5 nights. Man, those things are amazing. I sleep like a rock, I don't feel myself tossing and turning. Plus, our bed is huge now so even if one of us is moving around the other one isn't woken up. I haven't even heard Scott saying random shit in his sleep like normal. My chiropractor yesterday said my muscles are much more relaxed in my back. I should try to get a job in one of those memory foam infomercials. I still haven't done the test where you put a glass of wine on the bed and then jump around, mostly because I'd probably fall and knock it off myself of the IKEA bed slats we have would break. Hahha yeah, get a nice bed and then put it on an IKEA frame. We're classy. But, has anyone actually shopped for bed frames? JESUS! We had to get a platform-type bed with slats in it (you don't use a box spring with this bed) and they were all insanely expensive, like more than the mattress itself. Fawk that. IKEA it is.

Cept that place sends my blood pressure through the roof. I did find out they make good chocolate bars there tho. Very tasty. And good $1 hot dogs too. The things you find out when you wait in a checkout line for half an hour...


Linsey said...

omg, three posts this month?!?! what the hell is going on? Do we need some intervention?

In other news: we must hang out. Soon. Not with 19 year olds. I like people my own age. (No offense to the seester).

MellyDoodle said...

yes! agreed. next week?