Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The absolute, lamest, worst, there are no adjectives to describe the disgust i have for this show....

Dancing with the Stars.

1. Why is it on?
2. If you watch it, why?
3. Even more so, why do you and 30 million other American households watch it? Like, all ya'll collectively as a group with bad taste?
4. I threw up in my mouth a little watching...whoever these 2 people to Funky Town. Looks like big football man. Dancing to fucking FUNKY TOWN.
5. I asked Scott (well more stated aggressively), "People WATCH this?"
6. He said, rather drunkenly, "This is like, the number one show."
7. I know that. That wasn't the answer I was looking for.
8. Oh, the judges. Oh my god. I thought I couldn't stomach American Idol. This is vitriolic. Is that word a proper descriptor for my feelings? I'm not really sure, it just came out. I also really like the word vapid, but I felt it wasn't as appropriate.
9. Fuck it, its vapidly vitriolic.
10. Now, if you wanna talk about some good tv, let's talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta. Because now THAT, that is some shit I can get into. It is the opposite of being vapidly vitriolic, in my highly educated opinion.


N said...

I'm a terrible judge of television shows, mainly because I am a reality show addict, but I even hate Dancing With the Stars. Why is it fun to watch these asses dance crappily?