Wednesday, November 12, 2008

my mundane existence (e or a? man i can't spell for SHIT anymore)

Yeah so, Scott is still out of town, I'm still going stir crazy and not getting enough sleep. But lately, I have had all this like, um what do you call initiative? desire to like do stuff? I think its a result of the all-natural thyroid supplements I've been taking for about 3 weeks now. Either way, I'm like a nut lately. I've been jogging with Mr. Coops twice daily and I voluntarily raked leaves yesterday. Even though I raked like friggin hardcore for an hour, the yard still looks like a shite pile. We'll just let Scott fix that on Saturday. Me, generous you say? I know. Please, hold your applause.

Anyhoo, so I get up this morning after jogging twice (I keep wanting to say thrice because it is a way cooler word, but alas I did not jog in one day. Hheheheh. Good shit.) and going on the aforementioned maniacal burst of raking and my body was like, "fuck you". I mean my back, my neck - basically my upper body was just friggin killing me. I went out and jogged this morning and felt a little better, but by time I got to work and parked my ass in a non-ergonomically correct chair for a couple of hours, I felt like a 70 year old lady with osteoporosis. 

Now, to me, the moral of the story is - don't do yard work, because it's hazardous to your health. I bet Scott will see it differently because we all know my ass is out there Saturday raking and bagging and raking and bagging and swearing and whatever. Next residence will be a condo with no yard to speak of. Mark my words. Fuck this "house with a nice fenced in yard and lots of trees" bullshit. Overrated.