Saturday, November 8, 2008

bitch slap me, i forgot to blog

Well ok, I didn't forget that much, just a little bit, moreso I was busy and didn't have much to blog about. And since I try not to make this a political blog since there are thousands out there that can do it better than I can, there just hasn't been much else to talk about other than damn politics! But, I will say I'm excited, I'm sooo soooooo excited at the prospect of actually going to DC to see a Presidential Inauguration, I'm determined to figure out how to get tickets to an Inaugural Ball, and quite honestly, I'm actually interested in politics again. After the 2004 election, I gave up, stopped caring, and got quite disillusioned. I think this has pulled me out of my funk.

Erm, what else. So Scott is leaving me for Vegas next week for a conference and that means I'll have to be home alone, which also means that I'll be dead tired all week from being so damned paranoid about being alone in the house that I won't be able to sleep. Happens every time I'm home alone overnight. Call me a pussy, whatever, fuck you. Have the random Tuesday holiday off work, which will be nice, I feel like I should come up with something neato to do but I'll probably sit on my ass all day with a super big gulp Diet Coke and the Food Network, trying to learn how to make shit that will never come out as good as how it does on TV. Oh well, I give myself a B- for effort at least.

So...hmm. What else can I talk about...ohh yes. Major tasks for this weekend - removing summer clothes from closet, finding all of my sweaters, doing 30 loads of laundry, sweeping up all of the leaves in our house (thank you Mr. Coops, velcro fur extraordinaire), and trying to get out of helping Scott do leaf removal from the yard. Its so bad you can't even see that we have a lawn - its ALL leaves. Oh sweet jebus. Also looking forward to some wine tasting on Saturday with the ladies, and then probably heavy drinking after the wine tasting because why not, there are bars nearby. And if you see a bar, the only logical thing to do is go in it and drink some damn beer. 


N said...

I heard that people are going to be ebay-ing tickets to Obama's inauguration for $40,000. Maybe you could sell a kidney. If that doesn't do it, let me know. I will give you one of mine to sell.

MellyDoodle said...

yeah, i emailed our rep. and my name is in a lottery for 2 tickets. i think if i won them i would go, though. i wouldn't sell. well...depends on how much i'd get for them! even if i don't get tickets we're going to try to get a spot on the parade route.

i don't even think tickets have gone out yet - so how are people selling them???? me no comprende!

Anonymous said...

LOL - i miss you! i feel like i basically saw you every weekend back in my "going to OU" every weekend days.

i'm glad my food is at least semi-interesting to you - lemme know if how you like whatever you try!