Sunday, October 26, 2008

idiot = moi

i was out running a multitude of errands today (the priority of which was, find dress to wear to wedding that is in like, 6 days, and i came home without one...again!) when i decided to make a stop at the grocery store, one of my favorite places on earth. i went to the overpriced one today, just because i like it, they have neat and different stuff and lots of free samples. so la de dah, i'm meandering around, filling my cart with things i really don't need, when i finally realize that we are driving back to ohio on wednesday and will be there until sunday. i.e., i only need like, 2.5 days of food. 


so back i go, returning my lovely asparagus and my salad mix, some prepared stuffed chicken, and a ton of other items. i bet i looked like a real idiot, i figured people thought that i like, couldn't afford the items i bought (which hahahahahah i can't but i buy anyways!), which bothered me for some reason, so i tried to be all sly about it. so this whole debacle turned into like, 1.5 hours at the grocery store to buy 1/8 cartful of random things, many of which we have to consume by wednesday when we pull out of the driveway. looking forward to many turkey sandwiches between now and then!

but yeah, i'm an idiot!

i also went to marshall's to look for a dress (picked up a sweater and ironing board cover instead so not a total loss) and i about lost my shit when some people who were of a do i say it in PC terms...well whatever, let their kids run around the store like it was a fucking toys r us. ya know, some people like to shop in a calm environment - which is why some of us go out and shop when stores OPEN, so douchebags like the ones i encountered today likely aren't at the store yet with their filthy horribly mannered children. at one point, i gave the one kid a very nasty look and i think i scared him. hahahah thats right! see, situations like this just keep on confirming for me that i will probably never have kids, and if i did, you'd all feel sorry for them.


Anonymous said...

Well Mel, about 3 weeks ago I was coming home from work (it is nearly dark outside) and these two 7-8 year old boys are playing in the street about 3 blocks in front of me. Low and behold, one of them lays down in the middle of the f***ing street in front of my SUV, and so I honked. The kid gets up, laughs about it, so I slam on my brakes, roll down the window, and yell "get out of the street you stupid a**". Real appropriate to say to an 8 year old, I know, but sometimes I get irritate too back here in hick country and people that don't teach their kids not to play in the street - especially when it's freaking DARK outside!

N said...

Oddly enough, I went to TJ Maxx today (which is only different from Marshall's in that it has a sweet old school theme song that I am singing aloud right now) and encountered a similar situation in the purse section. The children were running relays up and down the purse aisle, so when one tripped over a Tommy Hilfiger, I laughed aloud. Let's face it: if it were a Coach, I would have kicked the little snot.