Monday, December 22, 2008

A 2 Year Anniversary

AHhahahahh no, not for Scott and I (as that would be like ummm 6 years) but its been 2 years as of December 17 that I moved to DC. Hard to believe its been that long, actually. So, of course I turn all introspective and start wondering if where I am now is where I expected to be after 2 years...and realize that I had no idea what to expect when I moved. I mean, I literally graduated and the next morning packed up my shit and left, moved to a house that Scott and I found on Craigslist. So I figure hey, I can't be hard on myself since when I came here I had no job and was like wtf am I doing with my life.

La de da, here we are 2 years later. I am professionally doing more than I probably could have expected. I work really hard, I kick ass at my job, I'm well respected (especially for a female my age where I work), and I make good money. Now, on the personal front, I'm not sure if I'm as far along as I am professionally, but I guess I can't do it all at the same time. Now, I'm getting the itch to do something different. Do we move? Do I switch jobs? I really can't stay stagnant...I learned this back in College when I used to kill myself doing 10 million activities, a double major, and partying full time. I just can't be a lump on a log. The fact that I've been pretty much in the same place, and nearly the same job for 2 years says a lot. I've totally got the itch...I just don't know how to scratch it yet.

Uh this blog is supposed to be funny.

Ya know, I just don't have anything amusing to talk about. So happy friggin holidays!


N said...

I don't really have any good suggestions for scratching your itch, but I can say that 2 years in a big city like that is pretty sweet. And the fact that you're workin for the man is pretty good too. There must be some bad ass perks to that.