Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting rid of waste

No, not a blog post about six sigma or lean process improvement or something fucking lame. It's all about how I'm finally going through my massive piles of food & cooking magazines and cutting out the recipes I actually want to keep. This is no small feat, I have quickly discovered, as my arm is actually kinda tired from slicing stuff out of the magazines. Oh, and I'm using a nice sharp Ginsu knife to do it, because I'm ghetto and I don't have any other type of slicing apparatus. So you can just imagine me sitting at the table with piles of magazines, a knife, and a glass of wine. Heh.

So anyways, what I've done for you is taken photos of how well my magazine pile is progressing.

Here's the pile I got through yesterday (please pay no attention to my filthy floor):

And here's my pile after my efforts today:

Uh I really did make more progress than it actually looks. And scary enough, I'm like 1/3 (err maybe 1/4) of the way done.

So - is this even a productive use of time? I mean the magazines weren't hurting anyone...but I also forgot to use them to find recipes. Now, I will have all the ones that actually interest me in 1 binder so I can have it handy all the time.

Hehhh yeah right, I'll probably shove them all in a binder and put it somewhere and then forget I have it. OOOOh well. Its kind of a fun project. My version of scrapbooking.


Anonymous said...

So don't do what I did which is pile of all of the trashed magazines in a paper bag. Yea, um, then I went to pick up the bag and it seriously weighed like 30 pounds and it ripped easily.

MellyDoodle said...

yeah i'll let scott figure out how to move them to the recycle bin :-)

N said...

I just started doing this too! I even went so far as to get color coded paper and plastic sheet protectors. Once I am done with this, I totally plan on losing it and maybe eventually accidentally throwing it away.

MellyDoodle said...

ooooooh i know i should have gone the extra route and got neat pretty colored stuff. but i did not, for the exact reason you mention. i will likely lose this nondescript white binder amongst all the other binders i have either at work or at home and never see it again.

its fun though, right?