Monday, May 25, 2009

only the lonely

Scott's in Hong Kong until next Sunday. I of course enter "waaah lonely ooh scared of noises" mode, as I do every time he travels. Its just what I do. Just me and mr. coops, hangin out, watching tv (right now I'm flipping back and forth between the Intervention marathon on A&E and the Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathon on uh...TLC...sadly I don't know which show is more fucked up). In a way i'm glad I have to work tomorrow because I don't quite know what to do with myself.

In other news, reading a very interesting new book by Dr. Drew about celebrities and narcissim. I actually had heard an interview he did on the Howard Stern show because one of the people on the show is apparently an off-the-charts narcissist. Heh. So anyways, I saw it sitting at the library and thought hey, why not. At the end of the book is the narcissim test, so when I'm done I'm going to take it and see how badly I need therapy.

I made some really good chicken the other day. I marinated it with Chinese 5-spice powder (which I'm kind of obsessed with), some vegetable oil, for like 24 hours. Then I roasted the chicken in the oven. My god, its really good. I've been putting it on salad, in pasta, whatev. Its just fuckin good.

I really want to try one of those Wendy's twisted frosty things.

Has anyone seen the infomercial for the Bullet Express by the makers of that Magic Bullet thing? My god, I really want it. Really really really bad. Its like a food processor and stand mixer all in one! ooooeee!

Stupid post.


GreenDogWine said...

I think I'm scared of Chinese 5 spice - doesn't in have anise in it? Can you taste it? (I loathe that taste, hence my fear)

MellyDoodle said...

Well the blend i have is more cinnamon than anise, at least from what i can tell. Usually i'll throw in a little chili powder when i use it, and it comes out really good. I ordered mine from Penzey's, I got a tiny jar because I was scared too!

N said...

I really want The Bullet. I mean, you can blend into its own cups for drinks. It doesn't get better than that shit.