Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sopranos, I miss you already

Tonight was the long awaited, much discussed finale of the Sopranos. I think it ended the only way it could really--with about 400 possibilities as to what happened as Tony, Carmela, Meadow, and AJ sat in that shittay diner place. They could have been robbed, shot, Tony could have been moments away from getting taken by the Feds (was that odd guy with the 80's jacket a Fed? Or, a member of the NY crew?). Sure at first I was like, WHAT THE FUCK (I actually yelled that at the television) and then as I thought about it, there was NO way it could have ended any better.

In memoriam, I post's list of top 10 Sopranos moments. Eh yeah we can all debate those, but still my favorite episode will always be Pine Barrens. And I'll always wonder wtf ever happened to Adriana. That biotch ain't dead. And I'll always think that Tony's mother was the best character. Oh well. I should probably stop acting like the Sopranos are real people, eh? Damn. Well, goodbye to literally THE BEST television show ever made.

NOW what the hell am I going to do with my Sunday nights???? SHIT.

Other fun Sopranos links:
Mad TV spoof on Sopranos if it were on Pax TV (a religious-based channel)
Simpsons parody of Sopranos intro
The Sopranos in seven minutes--pretty great!! (not incl. most recent season)


Anonymous said...

I heard a radio DJ saying today that they left the ending like that to make room for a possible Sopranos movie? What do you think?
