Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Almost hump-day update

Good news: Anita and Kristen are coming to visit me!!! :-)

Bad news: On Saturday, Scotty is leaving me for 16 days for ze Deutchland :-(

Other important things:
I finally went grocery shopping; my fridge and cupboards don't look so sad anymore. I now have fresh fruit AND vegetables! W00t. So what did I cook last night for dinner? Tacos. How frigging healthy. Hey, I used low fat sour cream, ok?

Work is just insane. All of my "fun" memories of me living in MS Excel at Owens Corning are coming back to haunt me these past few days...of course I can't for the life of me remember how to make a decent pivot table so I get to re-learn these fun things all over again. Now that I have a laptop and VPN I can work from home (which, is good AND bad) so I'm going to try to work in a little telecommuting every now and then...esp. when the boss man is out of the office.

Puppy is good. He's getting so big! Back to the vet next week for more shots, and then I think he's out of the woods in terms of getting bad puppy viruses, and we can actually take him for walks and to dog parks and crap. He's been doing this funny thing where he sleeps with his legs up in the air next to our other A/C vent...he's totally hilarious. Well, not when he's biting me or tearing the inside lining of my Banana Republic work skirts, but you know. When he's sitting or sleeping.

Anyone out there watching Big Love? There's like, nothing else on to watch, I dunno I can't figure out how I feel about it now. Loved the first season...kind of on the fence about this one. Since I can't afford BOTH HBO and Showtime, I can't watch Weeds, one of the best shows out there. Pissed about that one. Heard it got leaked on the internet tho...

Anyhoo...I'm just at home right now for lunch for my daily "let the dog out and feed him" routine, so I guess I should go back to the office. Dammit.

Happy almost hump day everyone!


Anonymous said...

i got a shout out! hells yeah! : )