Sunday, July 1, 2007

Short update

-Round 2 of company (Scott's parents) is now gone. House is quiet.
-Puppy is sleeping right now. Puppy is rowdy and loves to chew on fingers, arms, and ankles.
-I am insanely wiped out. I feel like I have a new baby.
-Getting face time with the big boss man next week. Looking for a promotion and raise.
-Scott got the iphone. I got his blackberry perl. Wow, a phone that works!
-I don't think I have showered for 2 days. Really.
-My tags on my car are expired. Oh well.
-Rent and bills are due. Oh well.
-I want some warm, fresh bread from a bakery.
-I also want an egg mcmuffin.



Anonymous said...

My Egg McMuffin Recipe:

1 Egg
1 Slice American Cheese
1-2 pieces of Ham (I get the prepackaged deli ham that is round)
1 English Muffin
Some butter

Preheat a small (as small as you have) fry pan over medium-high heat.

Add butter until it melts, it shouldn't take long.

Add the egg. Stir up the egg a little until the yoke is broken, but don't mix it too much.

Let it sit for about 15 seconds, it will be much bigger than the bread, but it is ok.

Add the English muffin to the toaster.

Start to shape the egg into a round English muffin shaped circle.

Add the ham to the other side of the pan; we are not trying to cook it as much as heat it up.

The top of the egg will still be raw, this is ok, flip the egg over, and put the ham on top.

Add the cheese on top of the ham, and cover for 20-30 seconds.

Remove from the pan and put it on the bread.

EAT. (If you are a pansy, you may have to let it cool first.)

MellyDoodle said...

interesting. now, why would you not just drive through mcdonalds and get the same thing without all that effort? hahhahaha