Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Blah Thursday.

Even "The Office" couldn't get my spirits up.

Work has been wearing me down this week. I think my boss could tell; he told me to go home at 4, and then came back at 4:15 to let me know that he was serious, to go home. So I did. Scott came home to change before heading back out to his work happy hour and he informed me that he's got to go to San Francisco for my 25th birthday. Whelp, that was just the icing on the cake (I think by now everyone knows I've pretty much been dreading my 25th birthday and the thought of spending it alone is insanely depressing). So I made a huge bowl of pasta and sat down for many hours of TV.

None of it is really helping, I'm still physically and mentally exhausted and feeling the need to kind of get away for a weekend. My weekends are constantly packed and I feel like it's not too often for stuff I really want to do. I must just be having a "oh woe is me" day today. So maybe tomorrow or during the weekend when I get over myself, I'll make a post that is actually worth reading.


Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to a "woe is me" day once in awhile...

Unfortunately, I seem to be having a lot of them lately...

Anonymous said...

go check that out.... maybe that will make ya a lil happier :)

Linsey said...

hope you're doing better. Maybe a weekend of shopping is in order?