Saturday, September 6, 2008

Not a political blog, but...

Honestly, I can't help it anymore. The Republican party has driven me to the brink of sheer anger, of disbelief, and...ya know I can't even explain it because I'm just pretty fuckin pissed off. I've got lots of reasons why, but I came up with all kinds of newer and angrier ones once little Mrs. Palin magically arrived on the campaign scene. Here's what I've got to say about that:

1. People will stop talking about your "private family matters" when you stop parading your family around on stage like a herd of cattle.
2. Does anyone REALLY know anything about this woman? I mean, honestly? Who is she?
3. People will stop talking about your "private family matters" when you stop whining about them on the cover of People, US Weekly, OK, and whatever other magazine you've plastered yourself on this week
4. I've heard nothing of substance yet come out of her mouth. Great, rip on x, y, and z all you want - but what, as Vice President, would you focus on? What would you do? Do you even know what the VP DOES?
5. Notice that she's basically being shielded from the media ('cept for those pesky gossip rags) for questions? You know as well as I do its because the Campaign staffs have her holed up, edumicating her beyond belief, so she can emerge for the VP debate with some things to talk about. But answer me this, if a candidate can't be bothered to come out and answer some questions from some reporters because she's spending the next few weeks learning, you tell me how she's ready to potentially run the country should anything happen to the President. She's not even ready for the Campaign trail?!

Like, honestly. Of course all the Republican sheep out there are like OOOOH anti-abortion OOOOH guns OOOH hunting OOOO oil and even some Dems with the OOOOOO she's a woman, damn since Hillary lost I've got a new choice! Gag me. Honestly this is why I've been trying to not get all wacky about the campaigning but I think this is one of those "all gloves are off" type situations.

Yeah, and read THIS article, a humble ditty from one of McCain's fellow POW's. Food for thought.

Have I ever told you I'm not an Obama fan? Shite. Who is the Libertarian this time around? We're all screwed.

End political discussion on le blog of Mel.

Now...anyone drink any good wines lately? I haven't. Maybe I should migrate myself out of the $10 per bottle and under range. For a while I thought it was a super fun challenge - seeing what I could get for el cheapo - but its not so much fun anymore because most of what I get tastes like crap. Maybe I should migrate to the $15 and under range? Meh. Might as well head to World Market tomorrow to see what a nice crisp Jackson can buy me!


Anonymous said...

Allow me to refer you to Debonne's Reisling Reserve. It's fantastic, especially if you enjoy a sweet white wine. Please let me know next time you arrive in Ohio, I shall take you to a few wineries, get you shitfaced, and then drive you home.

MellyDoodle said...

miss noelle! or should i say mrs. noelle. wonderful for you to stop on by! and even better that you offered to get me drunk. +1 for you.