Friday, September 19, 2008

Social Commentary

Not really I just couldn't think of a good blog title.

Anyone ever watched Rick Sanchez on CNN? He's one of their anchors. The guy is like, hilarious. He's not all stiff and monotone like a lot of the others (ahem Wolf), he just randomly spouts off shit and sometimes gets visibly pissed at some of the "experts" they bring on for him to banter with. And he shows it. And, he blogs while he's doing the show and uses sweet abbreviations like "ur" instead of "your" and stuff. So modern and hip. The first couple times I watched him I was like what the hell, why does CNN have a drunken anchor. But now I think he's just like this normally. He's utterly amusing. I just keep watching hoping he will go ape shit on someone.

Which actually brings me to another point - mens shirts and ties. Specifically, how men lately are mixing colors and prints of shirts and ties and wearing it like its a-ok. The most common thing seems to be the plaid-ish shirt (not a kilt type plaid or lumberjack flannel type plaid, the nice classy type of mens dress shirt plaid) with some wacky ass tie that doesn't even contain one color that the shirt does. Its really odd. Made me think about it because Rick Sanchez on CNN does it a lot. So do a lot of other people. Scott is actually the one that noticed it first but now I see it all the time. Even men at my office are doing this? When did this become socially acceptable?