Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Friggin Bargains

I pride myself on bargain hunting. Now I realize that "bargain hunting" is a relative term, since most people wouldn't think that a bright kelly green Cole Haan zip wallet on sale at $100 is a bargain, but I do. Its cause I'm crazy like that. "Well go sell crazy somewhere else, Mel! Shit!" you might say. I say fuck you.

Anyhow, where I really get excited bout the bargains is at l'épicerie, or "grocery store" for all you non-cultureds. I'm actually a coupon clipping nut, but I seem to have this problem where I cut coupons, put them in a ziploc baggie, and lose said ziploc baggie. By time I find it, most of the coupons are expired, save for like 1 coupon which is inevitably for something that I was never actually going to buy, I just thought why the fuck not clip the coupon.

I digress. So I stopped at the store today to buy some of my usuals: turkey, bread, yogurt, vegetables, fruit, whatev. I happened to have my brand new coupon organizer (thank you Container Store for not making me crazy coupon baggie lady anymore) which helped me to find lotsa bargains. My top 2:

bag of organic carrots: 19 cents (das right, ORGANIC food for under a quarter)
wishbone bountifuls tuscan romano basil salad dressing: -1 cent. Yeah they paid me a damn cent for buying that dressing. Prolly tastes like shit-ola.

Couple of other sweet motha bargains in there too but it was like 3 hours ago and since I'm turning old and stupid I don't remember too good.

Anyone else get some sweet FRIGGIN BARGAINS lately?


Anonymous said...

This one grocery I go to sells 4-packs of Cottonelle toilet paper for 99 cents and I regularly have either a 25 cent or 50 cent coupon (which they triple) - thereby either getting the toilet paper for negative 49 cents or else only paying 24 cents for it...depends on the newspaper and the amount of the coupon I guess.

MellyDoodle said...

sigh...its hard to get those triple (and even double) coupon deals in these parts...i want some TP for negative 49 cents tooooooooo