Monday, March 19, 2007

Hungry fella?

For some reason today I was thinking about cheeseburgers. Typically I never eat cheeseburgers, but you know when something sounds so good to you, you just can't stop thinking about it (ok well maybe that is just my fat ass and not yours...). Anyhoo, I was poking around various blogs today and I came across an article titled "The 20 Hamburgers You Must Eat Before You Die". I'll link it here for your reading pleasure. This guy must have REALLY wanted to write about burgers, since he writes that he 23,750 miles, consumed more than 150,000 calories, and ate 163 burgers in 93 different eating establishments. Crazy, absolutely. He does bitch about condiments in there which I don't necessarily agree with...but at any rate, here's the article. Unfortunately, none of the burger places are around here...but now I got a stop on my list next time I venture to Philly or NYC. Now you tell me that you don't want a big ol' burger after reading this!!!! I bet you do! (Go here
and then click on the pdf link in the third line of the article. Tasty treats!)


Anonymous said...

Those photos and that article almost made me sick to my stomach - those burgers look disgusting. Plus I just watched the "Fast Food Nation" dvd, in addition to having previously read the book, and I am staying away from fast food for awhile.
