Thursday, March 1, 2007

I am so awesome. My awesomeness is awesome.

The last few days have been CRAZY. Crazy like that bum on the street corner who talks to himself. I was doing my same ol’ routine: interviewing for jobs, applying, interviewing, and applying (generally getting nowhere fast) when I got a call from a sizeable defense contractor to interview. Fricking finally, I thought, since I had been trying to get into this place (ok into any of the top 10 defense contractors) for months. I had a phone interview yesterday afternoon that was probably the most intimidating thing I’ve ever experienced over the phone in my life. 3 “old white guys” firing a really random assortment of questions for about 45 minutes straight. Much more intimidating than most in person interviews I’ve been on. Needless to say, I was dripping sweat. Luckily I was working from home at that time. So, the end of the conversation rolls around—and oddly, so does a job offer that had to be accepted by the end of that day.

What? Eh? Hrmmmmmmm?

I was speechless, which is rare for me. Hey I’m all about quick turnaround but ummm I get an offer at 1 and I’m supposed to accept/reject by that evening? These people must be crazy.

This is like a really random post I have no idea where I’m going with this. So basically I tentatively accepted the offer until I have an official offer letter in my hands. My paperwork gets sent in today, and if all reference checks can get done and a drug test I should have that official offer in a few days. Then…I quit my job, I do a dance, get really drunk, and fly off to Vegas and clear out my bank account. Thank god I’d be starting this new job on the 12th. So, I pretty much think I have a new job.

Yep, you are right, you DO owe me a drink! How generous of you!


Anonymous said...

I think friday should turn into a celebration of shitty old jobs to new jobs.

What do you think?

And drinks are most definitely necessary. :)

MellyDoodle said...

yes! i totally agree. celebration and strong ass margaritas for all!

Anonymous said...

I am buying drinks for us (and my plane ticket to DC) when I have a job offer to celebrate too! I'm happy for you though. I knew you needed something better the minute you brought up the fact that you'd rather be sitting in Steve's class...