Monday, May 14, 2007

No sleep, a cockroach, and the Sopranos

Whelp its Monday night (ok Tuesday morning) at 1:03 and I'm wired. I'm sure this Pepsi I'm drinking isn't helping. I had a really bad night of sleep last night and it looks like I'm heading that way tonight. I have turned into that chick that can't sleep without having her man at home. Never did I think I would be that person! Of course Bravo is replaying season 1 of Top Chef so of course I'm gonna watch it. Oh yeah I also saw a cockroach in my sunroom, so I sprayed it with Raid for about 5 minutes straight until it started to twitch and die. I left it lying there on the floor because I'm afraid to touch it, and also I want Scott to look at it...and pick it up. Hey at least I took out the trash and even cleaned up the house a bit. Give me some credit. Geez that whole paragraph sounds like a lame ass Shania Twain song. "ain't got no man, killed a cockroach, (twangy twangy), can't sleep, oh no, got my house cleaaaaaannnn..." [I'm guessing everyone has stopped reading by now?]

Anyone out there watching the Sopranos? Goddamn, do I love that show. I'm getting sad though since only 3 episodes remain, and I keep coming up with all of these theories about the bloodbath (I assume?) that will happen. I've been loyal to the show for quite a long time...more loyal than to any other show I think I've ever been. Well, except for Sesame Street when I was a kid. I digress. So here are some of my theories about what could possibly happen--oh, and if you don't want to find out any information (i.e. if you aren't up to date on the show), you may not want to read.

1. Adriana isn't dead. This has been my hope since she was "killed off"--offscreen. Who was her "killer"? Sil. Are they in cahoots together with the Feds? Maybe. That would be an awesome ass story--they come back to rat out everyone.
2. Paulie dies. I think this is practically inevitable...but...another option is that he goes and joins Phil Leotardo's crew. And then dies.
3. Bobby gets arrested for the sloppy ass murder he committed in the laundry room at the very beginning of these final episodes. Who really cares what happens to Janice.
4. AJ commits suicide. Eh? Not sure on that one. Wouldn't be all that shocking tho.
5. Meadow serves no purpose. Yeah just a general statement so I think that she'll probably keep serving no purpose.
6. Carm...I really haven't figured out what happens to her yet.
7. Tony...I'm not sure if I see him kicking the bucket. I think his downfall will involve the Feds, not weapons. Hey, he ratted out those "Arabs" to them as a favor, so I see that as foreshadowing. Meaning, that favor will come in handy.
8. Chris, well, we already know what happened to him.

I dunno there are so many possibilities...yet another reason why I'm sitting on my couch instead of sleeping. Geez, only 3 eps left. What will I do on Sunday nights then? Hopefully Big Love comes back soon. I love that scandalous Polygamy shit.

Oh yeah something interesting...this weekend Anita asked me if I knew anyone famous in DC. Whelp, now I do, as one of the very important folk at the Pentagon that I work with ended up having a very interesting (if not perplexing) story on the front page of the Washington Post today! Read here. All I will say--I wish I got to work with him more, I could learn so much. He's a very intelligent man and I have a lot of respect for that--and for the fact that he is quite young and in such a high position of power in the DoD. End work chat.

Still waiting for my bike.

Still waiting for Scotty to get back from San Fran, which he deems "too emo".

Apparently turning 25 has made me not be able to handle the effects of caffeine anymore! I am so done with this post.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I JUST asked you about famous folks.. although that was an odd story dude

i see the cockroach question now.. haha no i did not plant a cockroach on your person...even if I was mad at you I wouldn't do that!

gt said...


woah somehow clicked my way to your blog - glad to see you are doing well!

i am however curious about what your job is....?

if you do not wish to post such information on the internet - send me an email

also, we are kind of neighbors (and 25, happy belated birthday, AHHHHH!!!)


MellyDoodle said...

okay anita i seriously laughed for about a minute because you said "on your person". I swear I am the most immature 25 year old ever. lol.

GT good to see you!!! email coming your way soon.