Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ummm foreshadowing?

So working at agency XYZ in the Department of Defense has surely been interesting, and that continued at work today when I had to attend a mandatory "Gas Mask" training class and have my own personal mask issued to me. I think, oh yeah they are gonna give me some piece of shit surgical type mask thing that I'll toss in the trash when I get back to my desk. Oh no, this thing is serious with some kind of motorized air filter attached to it. So I sit there thinking, you know, they sent out about 400 emails to get us to attend this REQUIRED training, why is that? Why so sudden? Also very comforting is the fact that we are at terror warning level thingy 3 or alpha or something, and if we reach level 4 or bravo or whatever the hell it was, we actually have to carry our masks with us. So my ass would be walkin around, goin to the Pentagon and shit, carrying this gas mask in a black bag like a tool.

See, my concern really should be, hey um am I going to be using this gas mask sometime soon? You can see where my priorities lie. Whatever, I live and work in a nuclear blast zone, I don't think some gas mask is going to help me.

Can I take a minute and spew my continued spite for Sandra Lee. You know when she starts off her show with "So I went to the Army Navy surplus store..." it's going to be so bad. So bad. I can't even explain why I'm sitting here watching it. Anyone notice how she pronounces "L" words? Like, "it's soooo lllllllllovely" and shit. Good god. She nearly drives me to drink.

I think I need another long weekend away from the government. Oh I did find this hilarious thing online today, one of those "you know you work in government when..." lists, and it was so spot on, I laughed my ass of in my cube for about 30 minutes and then used my goverment owned computer to forward it to everyone I could think of. Here are a few of my favorites that are COMPLETELY ACCURATE:

* You understand the rationalization of an acronym comprised of acronyms.
* You realize that a paperless office is impossible. Actually, you believe it is possible, just not in your office.
* You work for an acronym, on an acronym, and your job title is an acronym.
* Your supervisor doesn't have the ability to do your job.
* Dilbert cartoons hang outside every cube.
* Your boss' favorite lines are "when you get a few minutes," "in your spare time," "when you're freed up," and "I have an opportunity for you."

To read the rest click here

And with that, it's off to find a bar to watch the Cavs game!