Friday, February 23, 2007

TGI-Fizzle muh Dizzle

So TGIF it is, here I sit at my client site at approximately 4:26 in the afternoon in my ripped pantyhose (I’m sorry, can anyone get pantyhose to go a full day without getting ONE SNAG? Christ!), still feeling the effects of that spicy ass Thai food I had at lunch. Word to the wise—don’t eat those little peppers with all the seeds in it that’s in your food. It’s kinda like how that nasty sprig of parsley you always get on a plate is a garnish. Just don’t eat it. Look at it, appreciate it. But please don’t eat it.

At any rate, nothing fun to report, no big plans for the weekend. Speaking of lame, did anyone see the finale of the OC last night? MAN there are some really obvious reasons as to why that show is off the air for good. I love how they used that one hour to cram as much nonsensical shit in as they possibly could before their meal ticket was lost forever. To me, it seemed like a bad nighttime soap. And I don’t mean good bad like Melrose Place I mean bad bad. Bad like the OC.

End of OC rant.

Since I haven’t been making “fun” posts lately, I thought I’d leave you all with something fun for the weekend. Here are some fun/f-ed up stories that will make you say, “shit, I’m pretty normal! Well, at least more normal than the guy who stuck the ____ in the _____ and then _______!” Oh man, I am SO going to do a Mad Libs post! YES! I am so smart! Saturday project!

Ok enough self-praise, on to the fun links:
Actually I’m not going to post any links I’m busy figuring out how I’m going to do the Mad Libs blog. OHHH ITS GONNA BE GOOD! STAY TUNED! (see, my shitty IT job has stirred this need for creativity deep within me…)


Anonymous said...

For fuck's sake that undergarment stain of a TV show is finally off the air? Can't wait to see what the next "I'm 28 but wish I was 16 and lived in Laguna Beach with those hott chicks but really I live in OHIO and will just make Viacom more money by, like, watching their shitty MTV shows and, like, thinking that's how life should be and like mine sucks because it isn't the same" show will be put on to replace it.