Monday, February 26, 2007

I promise, I will stop complaining. After this post.

I cried at work today. Not something I like to admit but I did (yeah I know it’s not even noon yet), and I don’t like that I did. I’m actually really sick of blogging about how much I can’t stand my job because I know you are all sick of reading about it and it makes ME sick that I keep complaining. That doesn’t even make any sense. Today is my 33rd day of work and I swear I have never hated doing anything as much in my life as this job. I would rather be sitting in Steve Cady’s class (and if you know who I’m talking about you know what that means). So instead of spouting more and more complaints, I thought maybe I could at least help you all out and develop:

The top 10 list of signs that you desperately need a new job:

1.You are in a perfectly fine mood before you get to work. Then, you sit at your desk, open your laptop, and turn into a completely different person. A person you don’t like and wouldn’t want to be friends with.
2.You start looking at the clock within the first 30 minutes of your arrival. You aren’t counting down the time until lunch; you’re counting down the time until you leave at the end of the day.
3.You start thinking of ways to hurt yourself bad enough to miss work but not bad enough to REALLY hurt yourself.
4.You cry at work, secretly in the bathroom.
5.You start calculating how long you could possibly be unemployed for before your money situation becomes dire. By dire, I mean going without food. All food.
6.You start thinking about that one Friday you are taking off ______ weeks down the road and are already looking forward to it.
7.You haven’t produced anything of value lately in your opinion…maybe you never have.
8.You leave at the end of the day wondering what the hell it is you’ve been doing since you arrived that day. You have no clue. You also decide you don’t care, because you’re not at work right now.
9.You want to get drunk, like all the time.
10.Things that sound more fun than your job include, but are not limited to: working out, going to the library, shoveling snow, walking a dog, cleaning a bathroom, doing your taxes, putting together IKEA furniture, and working at a hot dog factory.


Anonymous said...

I think # 9 is a normal occurance for me, but 10 has definitely got me worried. Do we need to meet up for a beer or 12 before friday?

Anonymous said...

I think I would puke after 1 hour in a hot dog factory - thanks to a behind-the-scenes food network special on how they are made...

Anonymous said...

Drink your milk