Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day after February 14 hangover

Whelp, the title says it all--I'm hungover. Very, very hungover. Not only can I not hold alcohol like I used to, I now get brutal hangovers to go along with it. Dammit for the age of 24. So Valentine's day was a lot of fun--started with happy hour, which turned into "hey lets keep on drinking" at the restaurant 100 King with a bottle of wine and an amazing dessert, which then turned into "hey let's stop at this bar and have one last drink" which turned into 2. The night ended with me falling on our yard (yes, because it's literally a frozen sheet of ice) and Scott dragging me around on it as I laughed like a crazy person at midnight and prolly waking the neighbors. All in all, excellent Valentine's day. Oh, and my present--tickets to Medieval Times for Saturday night!!!! Oh yes folks, I will be getting drunk, eating with my hands, and watching men joust on ponies at 7pm on Saturaday evening. There will definetely be some pictures posted from that trip so start getting excited for those now!

Sigh...I must say that I'm suffering today for my actions of last night. Also, I must say that my hatred for the Metro has increased after this morning on the blue line we were all kicked off the metro at the Arlington Cemetary station (which is a very windy outdoor station) for who knows what reason. Then, a couple hundred angry people got to stand out in the cold for a solid 10 minutes until another train came along. We all get on...start creeping along slowly...then stop inside a tunnel for another solid 10 minutes, maybe more. I finally got to the Rosslyn station way later than I should have...and I didn't get my morning Starbucks. F-that.