Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Counting Down to Friday...

I came home from work last night feeling drained. Part of it was that I had been drinking the night before and didn’t sleep enough—but most of it was because of my job and my commuting. Actually the commuting wouldn’t bother me as much if I liked my job. I shouldn’t be this unhappy after being at a job for 5 weeks, should I? Probably not is what I’m thinking. I had a slightly amusing meeting with my boss yesterday that went something like this.

Boss: “So, how are things going with the test cases?”
Me: “Well, not bad I suppose…”
Boss: “I can tell that you really aren’t enjoying what you’re doing.”
Me: “Um…yes, that is true. I’m certainly trying, but my brain isn’t trained for this and really doesn’t work in an IT capacity. It’s very frustrating for me.”
Boss: “I was getting that vibe from you. You do know that as soon as your clearance comes through you’ll be moving into the position you were originally intended for…do you think you are still interested in that?”
Me, lying through my teeth: “I think so. Yeah, I think it will be better.”

Very productive. It did kind of hit me that the job I’m supposed to be doing really wont’ be any better than the one I’m currently in. I don’t like MS Project, I don’t want to work with it every day, and honestly, I have about zero interest in project management in general—which is what this job pretty much is. I don’t want to come home unhappy and bitchy anymore. It’s not fair to poor Scotty :-(, who, btw, made me dinner last night, it was very cute :-).

Which brings me to the preliminary good news I received this morning—A TENTATIVE JOB OFFER FROM THE STATE DEPARTMENT! I’m excited, but in a reserved way. I still have to negotiate a salary and figure out the details of starting out as a contractor and then moving into a regular civil service position. Actually I have a number of things to negotiate.

BUT…THERE’S HOPE! Keep your fingers crossed that everything works out in my favor. Till then…expect moodyness.

On a final note, good luck to Damien on the job interview in NY!